【例句】The water is glimmers in the sunlight. 日照下的水光在闪烁。
【例句】Amphibian like frogs often start out living in water and later live on land. 像青蛙这种两栖动物总是开始生活在水里,后来住在地上。
【例句】The kitchen was infested with ants. 厨房里到处是蚂蚁。
【例句】lt put me in a quandary when I realized that I had missed my train. 当我意识到我已赶不上火车时,我不知如何是好。
【例句】She had a decidedly murky past. 她的历史背景令人捉摸不透。
【例句】She always has an aura of confidence. 她总是满有信心的样子。
【例句】Police plucked a drowning girl from the river yesterday. 昨天警方从河里救起了一名溺水少女。
【例句】How mortifying to have to apologize to him! 要向他道歉,多难为情啊!
【例句】Please keep your comments pertinent to the topic under discussion. 请勿发表与讨论主题无关的言论。
【例句】The balloon was distended because of filling of hydrogen. 气球因充满了氢气而膨胀。
【例句】I found their work very much consonant with this way of thinking. 我发现他们的工作与这种思维方式非常一致。
【例句】Why don't you ask him outright if it's true? 你为什么不直截了当地问他那是否属实?
【例句】They be evict from their flat for not pay the rent。 他们因不付房租而被赶出公寓。
【例句】The advantages far outweigh the disadvantages. 利远大于弊。
【例句】Carotenes are insoluble in water and soluble in oils and fats。 胡萝卜素不溶于水,但可溶于油类和脂肪。
【例句】Helium is a very light gas. 氦是一种非常轻的气体。
【例句】The fermentation can take place in stainless steel or oak barrels. 发酵在不锈钢罐或者橡木桶里进行。
【例句】I felt guilty and full of remorse. 我感到内疚,并且非常懊悔。
【例句】He tramped hither and thither. 他到处流浪。 Refugees run hither and thither in search of safety. 难民们四处逃奔,寻求安全之所。
【例句】This gorge is famous for its spetacular views. 这个峡谷以壮观的景色而闻名。