【例句】The can in the car was eaten out by a carnivore in the car in the city of Carnivore. 在卡尼哇肉食城,汽车里的罐头被汽车里的一头肉食性动物吃光了。
【例句】'I am a true patriot ',he declaimed." 我是一个真正的爱国者,"他慷慨激昂地说。 It is not a sign of humility to declaim against pride. 慷慨激昂的公开对傲慢展开抨击不是谦逊的标志。
【例句】The Franch flange has the function of anti-corrosion and the function of preventing the aging wheel from flying. 法国法兰FL具有防腐FL和防止老化的车轮乱飞的功能。 2物理背景知识:法兰具有防腐或加固的功能,方便大家理解!谢谢大家。
【例句】Refile,delete,and update mail documents! 请重新归档、删除并更新邮件文档!
【例句】You do just like our Polaris indeed. 你的确是我们人生的北极星。