【例句】People here are accustomed to periodic eruptions. 这里的居民已经习惯了火山的周期性喷发。
【例句】With all this racket, my boys can't get their 16-hour sleep. 你们吵得太大声,我孩子没法睡满16小时了。
【例句】Grief makes oneself terribly tired. 悲痛太让人疲倦。
【例句】Bees play a crucial role on Earth. 蜜蜂在地球上起着至关重要的作用。
【例句】You're everyone's favorite guy. Everyone's awed and inspired by you. 所有的人都爱你,人人都尊重你,也敬畏你。
【例句】Juliet's a liar. She's been lying to me this whole time. 朱丽叶是个骗子,她一直在骗我。
【例句】Upon penetration of the skin, the dart only left a tiny red dot. 这种特殊飞镖穿过皮肤后,只会留下一个小红点儿。
【例句】Don't fuss, Mum, everything is all right. 别瞎操心了,妈妈,一切都好。
【例句】A zoo elephant is the victim of an air raid. 一头动物园大象成为了空袭的受害者。
【例句】She thought it made you seem too shy and passive. 她觉得你显得太害羞,太被动了。
【例句】Her husband's in the garment business.He made me a suit. 她老公是做服装生意的,还给我做了套西装。
【例句】Neil:So why did you bring in the washing powder? 尼尔:那你为什么还带洗衣粉来?
【例句】She knew he was teasing but, as always, his teasing maddened her. 她知道他在奚落她,不过像往常那样,这种奚落使她很生气
【例句】There was a slight fluctuation in brain activity. 他的大脑活动也有轻微的波动。
【例句】Practice is the sole criterion of truth. 实践是检验真理的唯一标准。
【例句】I'll grab some snacks. - Uh, potato chips, please. 我去拿点零食。一帮我拿点薯片吧,拜托了。
【例句】Autumn mornings are often chilly. 秋天的早晨通常都是阴冷的。
【例句】I love listening to podcasts. You can learn anything. 我喜欢听播客,你可以在上面学任何东西。
【例句】So, for our next class, we're not gonna have nude models. 因此,下节课,我们就不画裸体模特了。
【例句】Listen and read the attributive clauses, paying attention to the pause, weak form and intonation. 听和读这些定语从句,注意停顿、弱读和语调。