The defendant has requested a
retrial, claiming that new evidence has come to light.
The judge granted the motion for a
retrial due to procedural errors in the initial trial.
After the appeals court overturned the conviction, a
retrial was scheduled for next month.
The prosecution's key witness recanted their testimony, leading to a
retrial of the case.
retrial resulted in an acquittal, as the jury found the evidence insufficient.
Due to juror misconduct, the judge declared a mistrial, and a
retrial was imminent.
Public pressure for a
retrial grew when it was revealed that important evidence had been suppressed.
retrial focused on previously overlooked forensic evidence that could change the outcome.
In the
retrial, the defense team presented a compelling argument that raised reasonable doubt.
After years of legal battles, the high-profile case is headed for yet another
Their comments came after North China Pharmaceutical Group Corp, or NCPC, won a retrial in an antitrust lawsuit last week, after the Second US Circuit Court of Appeals in Manhattan threw out a price-fixing lawsuit against Hebei Welcome Pharmaceutical Co and its parent company NCPC.
Hebei Welcome won the case in 2016, but the plaintiff refused to accept the judgment and applied to the US Supreme Court for a retrial.
在2016年的时候,河北维尔康赢得了这场官司,但是原告拒绝接受判决结果,并向美国最高法院申请重审。这句话的翻译如下:"In 2016, Hebei Welcome won the case, but the plaintiff refused to accept the judgment and applied to the U.S. Supreme Court for a retrial." 如果您需要更正式或者更通顺的翻译,可以告诉我,我会再帮您修改。不过,值得注意的是,您的原句中并没有提到“河北维尔康”这个名称,这是我在翻译时根据上下文添加的,以使句子更加完整和通顺。如果您有具体的公司名称或者其他需要翻译的内容,请提供给我,我会更准确地帮您翻译。另外,如果这个句子是出自某个特定的法律案件或者新闻报道,那么翻译时还需要考虑到相关的法律术语和专业词汇,以确保翻译的准确性和专业性。如果您有这方面的需要,也可以告诉我,我会尽力帮您完成翻译任务。最后,如果您对我的回答有任何疑问或者需要进一步的帮助,请随时告诉我,我会尽快回复您。希望我的回答能够帮到您,祝您生活愉快!
Two years later, the US Supreme Court sent the case back for a retrial, and the retrial judgment started last week.
One of the Chinese companies - North China Pharmaceutical Group Co, based in Shijiazhuang, capital of North China's Hebei province — won a retrial ruled by a US appellate court on Aug 10 (US local time), according to a press conference held by the company on Aug 13 in Shijiazhuang.
In September 2016 it won a second trial, after which the accusers appealed to the US Supreme Court for a retrial.
In 2018, the Supreme Court remanded the case to the original court for a retrial.
Following a retrial, China's top court overturned Zhang's convictions on Thursday due to insufficient evidence and the wrongful application of the law.