
词根词缀记忆/谐音联想记忆 补充/纠错
词根reverse 相反, 背面, 倒退 + - …………
词根记忆re 再次 + vers 转 + ible ……的 → reversible adj.可逆的;可撤消的;可 …………
reversible lane 可逆车道
reversible reaction 可逆反应
reversible adiabatic process 可逆绝热过程
Eric believes that climate change may still be reversible.
This process is not entirely reversible.
The coat is reversible.
The process of photosynthesis is a reversible reaction, converting carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen, and vice versa.
The jacket has a reversible design, allowing you to wear it with either the blue or the red side facing out.
The door's lock is reversible, meaning it can be installed to open to the left or right depending on your preference.
The medication's effects are largely reversible if patients discontinue its use promptly upon noticing adverse reactions.
In computer science, an algorithm is considered reversible if it can transform input data back to its original form.
The new heating system in our house is reversible, providing both cooling in summer and warmth in winter.
The chemical bond between these two elements is reversible, meaning they can easily combine and separate under certain conditions.
The sofa cover is designed to be reversible, offering two different color options to match your room decor.
The economic policy implemented by the government is reversible, with provisions for adjustments based on future outcomes.
The surgery he underwent was technically reversible, giving him the option to change his mind later on.
The design concept of world's only dual-purpose Olympics venue, the National Aquatics Center, or Ice Cube (Water Cube), is showcased at the 2022 China International Fair for Trade in Services, or CIFTIS, from Sept 1 to 5, brought by the China Construction First Group Construction and Development Co Ltd. With a theme focusing on low-carbon and intelligent construction, the company displays its sustainable solutions to the world by providing audiences opportunities to witness the reversible transformation through interactive sand table.
9月1日至5日,由中国建筑第一集团建设发展有限公司(China Construction First Group Construction and Development Co.,Ltd.)主办的2022中国国际服务贸易博览会(CIFTIS)展示了世界上唯一的双用途奥运场馆国家水上运动中心(National Aquatics Center)或冰立方(Water Cube)的设计理念,该公司通过互动沙盘为观众提供见证可逆转变的机会,向世界展示其可持续解决方案。
"Our 'Ice Cube' project team has made the reversible transformation a possibility after more than one year's experiments with 485 design papers," said Liu Weiwei, general manager of technical center of the company, to China Daily Website during an exclusive interview on Friday.
The 3.6-gigawatt Fengning pumped storage power station, consisting of 12 reversible pump-turbine units of 300-megawatt capacity each, is located in Hebei province, some 180 kilometers from the nation's capital, host of the 2022 Winter Olympics.
Didi Chuxing is working with China's local authorities on a smart transportation program that includes installing smart traffic lights and "reversible lanes" to improve flow during traffic peaks.
"We hope that technologies for smart transportation, such as smart traffic lights and reversible lanes, which have already been used very successfully in more than 20 Chinese cities, will help to resolve problems in big Brazilian cities like Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro," he said.
Total investment in the plant — which is designed to accommodate four sets of reversible generators — is about 10.3 billion yuan.
Since the conversion between magnesium and magnesium oxide is reversible, it can be used as an energy carrier to replace the carbon cycle and become a long-term energy storage resource, said Dong Mingming, a professor at the School of Mechanical Engineering of Beijing Institute of Technology.
In a world first, Valeo is also showcasing a reversible charger.
Last year, Didi set smart transportation as a new strategic direction, offering a wide range of smart transportation products and services for 20 cities nationally, such as smart traffic lights and reversible lanes, to relieve traffic jams.