U Hrvatskoj se govori hrvatski jezik."
In Croatia,
Croatian language is spoken.
Ovo je pečena janjetina s pršutom i tartufima, jedna od popularnih jela u hrvatskoj kuhinji."
This is roasted lamb with prosciutto and truffles, one of the popular dishes in
Croatian cuisine.
Nakon pobjede na Svjetskom prvenstvu 2018., hrvatska nogometna reprezentacija postala je nacionalni heroj."
After winning the 2018 World Cup, the
Croatian national football team became national heroes.
Dubrovnik, utvrđeni grad na Jadranu, predstavlja jedno od najvažnijih turističkih atrakcija u Hrvatskoj."
Dubrovnik, the fortified city on the Adriatic Sea, represents one of the most important tourist attractions in Croatia.
Plitvička jezera su UNESCO-ova svjetska baština koja privlači milione posjetitelja godišnje u Hrvatsku."
The Plitvice Lakes are a UNESCO World Heritage Site attracting millions of visitors to Croatia each year.
Zagreb, glavni grad Hrvatske, poznat je po svojim povijesnim zgradama, parkovima i kulturološkim događajima."
Zagreb, the capital city of Croatia, is known for its historic buildings, parks, and cultural events.
Hrvatska ima dugačku obalu s prekrasnim plažama poput Brijuna, Zlatnog rata i Paklenica."
Croatia has a long coastline with beautiful beaches such as Brijuni, Zlatni Rat, and Paklenica.
Korčula, otočić u Dalmaciji, poznat je kao rodno mjesto slavnog pomorskog istraživača Marka Pola."
Korčula, an island in Dalmatia, is known as the birthplace of the famous maritime explorer Marco Polo.
U Hrvatskoj se tradicionalno slave mnoge katoličke blagdane, uključujući Uskrs i Božić."
In Croatia, many Catholic holidays are traditionally celebrated, including Easter and Christmas.
Hrvatski vinariji proizvode visokokvalitetne vina, posebno crne sorte poput Dingača i Postup-a s Pelješca."
Croatian wineries produce high-quality wines, especially red varieties like Dingač and Postup from Pelješac.
Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic has hailed the Senj Wind Farm as a project key to the clean and renewable energy sector in the city and the country as a whole.
克罗地亚总理Andrej Plenkovic称赞Senj风电场是该市和整个国家清洁和可再生能源部门的关键项目。
"China has been one of our most important markets in the Asia-Pacific region as well as globally since the beginning of the company's presence in the country," said Silvio Kutic, CEO of Infobip, a Croatian IT and telecommunications company offering cloud-based omnichannel customer service engagement.
克罗地亚IT和电信公司Infobip的首席执行官Silvio Kutic表示:“自公司开始在中国运营以来,中国一直是我们在亚太地区和全球最重要的市场之一。”Infobip提供基于云的全渠道客户服务。
Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic attended a ceremony with locals marking the connection of the bridge on July 29.
The bridge marks key infrastructure, as it will connect the Peljesac Peninsula in Dubrovnik-Neretva county, the southernmost Croatian county, with the mainland of the country.
It means the Croatians will not have to bypass the Neum Corridor, a piece of Bosnia and Herzegovina's territory that divides the Croatian county into two parts, in order to travel to Dubrovnik by road.
Seven foreign engineers were awarded the engineer certificate by the Croatian Association of Civil Engineers in July, becoming professional engineers.
Josipa Pavlic, a 29-year-old Chinese-English-Croatian trilingual translator for the project, said the building work for the bridge uses practices of a localized management mode, with its management team composed of both Chinese and Croatian members.
Niksa Orlandic, a Croatian environmental engineer with the project, said engineers with CRBC managed to have only a slight impact when using pile drivers thanks to the use of noise-canceling technology.
Apart from entrusting local supervising companies to oversee quality control and environmental protection issues, CRBC hired Croatian law firms and consulting companies in order to adapt to EU regulations regarding infrastructure projects.
The deal boosted the valuation of the Croatian firm to over $1 billion.