The court held that the company was estopped from denying the existence of the contract because of its previous conduct.
The landlord was estopped from claiming rent arrears because she had previously waived payment for a certain period.
By signing the lease agreement, the tenant was estopped from disputing the terms and conditions later on.
The bank's silence after repeated requests for payment constituted an estoppel against it denying the loan agreement.
The company's repeated public statements about their commitment to environmental sustainability estopped them from later claiming that they were not responsible for reducing plastic waste.
When the buyer made no objection to the quality of the goods during the delivery process, the seller was estopped from later claiming that the goods were defective.
The homeowner was estopped from contesting the contractor's right to payment after agreeing to a fixed-price contract.
Due to the developer's consistent advertising, the buyers were estopped from claiming that the advertised features were not included in the final product.
The insurance company was estopped from denying coverage for damages caused by natural disaster after it had already paid out similar claims in the past.
The employer was estopped from rescinding the employee's employment contract due to a clerical error in the hiring paperwork, as the employee had relied on the job offer.