
The combination of their skills was synergistic, resulting in a highly successful project.
The merger of two companies created a synergistic effect, increasing overall efficiency and profitability.
The teamwork among the department members was highly synergistic, leading to innovative solutions.
The use of both traditional and digital marketing strategies proved to be synergistic, expanding the company's reach significantly.
The synergistic relationship between research and development allowed the company to stay at the forefront of technological advancements.
The integration of different software systems was synergistic, streamlining processes and reducing operational costs.
The collaboration between the design and engineering departments resulted in a synergistic product that exceeded customer expectations.
The synergistic effects of exercise and a balanced diet contribute significantly to overall health and well-being.
The combination of medication A and medication B showed synergistic therapeutic benefits, enhancing the treatment outcome.
The partnership between the nonprofit organization and local government was synergistic, effectively addressing community needs.
Zhong said further efforts will be made to foster synergistic development between the PV industry and other sectors such as hydrogen to promote green transition of energy-intensive industries.
As an important force in addressing climate change, businesses can take active measures to adjust the industrial structure, upgrade energy conservation and efficiency, cut greenhouse gas emissions, and advance synergistic efficiency in reducing pollution and carbon emission, shared Lu Xinming, deputy director-general of department of climate change affairs at China's Ministry of Ecology and Environment.
DCP plans to work closely with American-Sino's management team to accelerate organic growth, finance synergistic acquisitions, and expand the company's leading market position in Shanghai, according to its announcement.
Zhou said the merger will create a synergistic effect, and the core competitive advantages of CNBM's cement business will be highlighted.
"We plan to identify the best digital solution and services for chronic venous diseases and hemorrhoids which could have a synergistic effect with our existing product to give patients a portfolio solution rather than a stand-alone solution," he said.
MBK Partners is expected to leverage its strong track record in owning and operating similar businesses such as the Universal Studios in Osaka, Japan, and to unlock synergistic business opportunities with other companies in its portfolio.
MBK Partners预计会利用其在拥有和运营类似业务方面的强大业绩,例如日本大阪的环球影城,并发掘与其投资组合中其他公司的协同业务机会。
Chinese conglomerate Fosun International, a major player in the tourism with a comprehensive and synergistic tourism and hospitality business, gained control of Club Med in 2015.
中国综合企业复星国际(Fosun International)是旅游业的重要参与者,拥有全面且协同的旅游及酒店业务,在2015年取得了地中海俱乐部(Club Med)的控制权。复星国际在2015年成功收购了法国度假村集团地中海俱乐部(Club Med),这标志着其在全球旅游业的战略布局中迈出了重要一步。作为一家集旅游、酒店、地产和投资为一体的多元化企业,复星国际通过此次收购进一步加强了其在旅游业的地位,实现了业务的全球扩展和产业链的深度整合。
He added that internationalized synergistic production capacity also boosted the company's overseas success.
他还表示,国际化的协同生产能力也助推公司海外业绩屡攀新高。这里“internationalized synergistic production capacity”可以翻译为“国际化的协同生产能力”,而"boosted the company's overseas success"则可以理解为“助推公司海外业绩屡攀新高”。整个句子的意思是,公司的国际化协同生产能力为其在海外市场取得成功提供了重要支持和推动力。
The company owns cutting-edge design institutes and intelligent manufacturing plants at home and abroad, which enabled it to give full play to internationalized synergistic production capacity, manage supply chains and enhance competitiveness.
In addition to showcasing Ferrero's classic brands, the Danish cookie brand Kjeldsens, which was acquired by a Ferrero affiliated company last year, is also participating in the CIIE as an important new member of Ferrero, which helps to add a synergistic effect to form complementary advantages, according to De Felip.