Braille is a tactile writing system used by people who are blind or visually impaired.
Braille invented the system in the early 19th century, and it has been widely adopted since then.
Braille alphabet consists of 63 characters, including letters, numbers, and punctuation marks.
Blind students learn to read
Braille as part of their education, just like sighted students learn to read print.
Many public places, such as libraries and museums, provide
Braille signage for visitors who are blind or visually impaired.
Braille displays, which are connected to computers or other electronic devices, allow blind users to read digital text.
Some smartphones now have built-in
Braille displays, making it easier for blind users to access information on the go.
Braille system is not just for reading; it can also be used for writing, using a special typewriter called a
Braille literacy rates are lower among blind adults than among sighted adults, due in part to limited access to
Braille education and materials.
Efforts are underway to increase
Braille literacy and accessibility, including the development of new technologies and the promotion of
Braille literacy programs.
It stipulates that the state encourages the compiling and publishing of Braille and large-print editions of textbooks for different educational stages to meet the needs of blind and visually-challenged students.
The draft stipulates that the state encourages compiling and publishing Braille and large-print editions of textbooks for different education stages to meet the need of blind and visually impaired students.
The state encourages producers and business operators of food, drugs, and other commodities to provide product labels and manuals in accessible forms, such as audio, large print, and Braille, for the aforementioned groups, according to the draft.