**Example**: Peanuts are a common food
**Translation**: 花生是一种常见的食物过敏原。
**Example**: The patient experienced an allergic reaction to the medication, indicating it contains an
**Translation**: 病人对药物产生了过敏反应,这表明药物中含有过敏原。
**Example**: Always check the label for potential
allergens before buying food products.
**Translation**: 在购买食品前,一定要检查标签上的潜在过敏原。
**Example**: Gluten is an
allergen that can cause serious health issues for people with celiac disease.
**Translation**: 麦胶蛋白是一种过敏原,对于乳糜泻患者来说,它可能引起严重的健康问题。
**Example**: The restaurant menu clearly lists all possible
allergens in each dish.
**Translation**: 餐厅菜单上清楚地列出了每道菜中可能含有的所有过敏原。
**Example**: After eating the cake, she developed hives, which was likely due to an
allergen in the ingredients.
**Translation**: 吃了蛋糕后,她身上起了荨麻疹,这可能是由于蛋糕成分中的某种过敏原引起的。
**Example**: Before administering any medication, healthcare providers must be aware of any potential
**Translation**: 在给予任何药物之前,医疗保健提供者必须了解任何可能的过敏原。
**Example**: The child has a severe allergy to bee stings, as the venom acts as a potent
**Translation**: 这个孩子对蜜蜂蜇伤有严重的过敏反应,因为蜂毒是一种强烈的过敏原。
**Example**: Latex gloves can be problematic for some individuals due to the presence of
allergens in the latex.
**Translation**: 乳胶手套对某些人来说可能是个问题,因为乳胶中含有过敏原。
**Example**: A thorough cleaning can help reduce
allergens in your home, such as dust mites and pet dander.
**Translation**: 彻底清洁可以帮助减少家中的过敏原,如尘螨和宠物皮屑。
Among them, milk is the most common food allergen for babies under the age of 3, with a prevalence of 2.5 percent to 7 percent, causing symptoms including vomiting, diarrhea and eczema.