ballistic missile was launched from an undisclosed location, sending shockwaves through the international community.
Ballistic trajectory calculations are crucial for accurately predicting the path of projectiles in military and space applications.
The forensic team analyzed the bullet's
ballistic markings to determine which gun it was fired from.
The athlete executed a perfect
ballistics dive, achieving maximum height and distance before entering the water.
The police used a
ballistic shield during the raid to protect themselves from potential gunfire.
Researchers studied the effects of atmospheric conditions on the flight characteristics of hypersonic
ballistic vehicles.
The witness described seeing a car speed away after the shooter fired several shots in rapid succession, with the bullets ricocheting off nearby buildings in a
ballistic pattern.
Engineers designed the spacecraft to enter Mars' atmosphere using a carefully planned
ballistic reentry trajectory.
In the 1960s, NASA developed a series of experimental
ballistic capsules as part of its early human spaceflight program.
The forensic expert testified that the victim's wounds were consistent with being struck by fragments from a high-velocity
ballistic projectile.
In the past several years, they sold advanced trainer jets to Zambia, modern tanks to Thailand and Nigeria, ballistic missiles to Qatar, as well as powerful frigates and submarines to Pakistan.
China opposes the United States placing Chinese enterprises and individuals on its Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons List for allegedly supporting Iran's ballistic missile programs, the Ministry of Commerce said on Monday.
In an April 2003 communication with Takata, GM was concerned about "ballistic variability", which is a tendency for the air bags to either underinflate or explode when deployed, the lawsuit against GM said.