The detector is a very delicate instrument.
The detector tube is filled with water.
The security detector beeped as the suspicious package passed through.
The airport scanner detected a metal object in his luggage.
The fire alarm detector went off, signaling a potential danger.
The police dog detector is trained to sniff out hidden explosives.
The detector picked up a signal from the underground tunnel.
The earthquake detector registered a moderate tremor on the Richter scale.
The heart rate monitor on the fitness tracker acts as a vital sign detector.
The burglar alarm detector was triggered when the front door opened unexpectedly.
The supermarket scanner is a device that detects barcodes on products.
The X-ray machine at the dental clinic uses a detector to see inside teeth.
Since the company succeeded making the world's first X-ray fault detector for steel-cord conveyor belts in 2010, it has been dedicated in the application of conveyor belts under various extreme conditions, including extreme high temperatures and altitude.
It has been investing 8 percent of its sales volume in research and development every year, perfecting and optimizing the detector for conveyor belts, said Gou Yuesong, general manager of Shanxi Dedicated.
Thermal temperature detectors are set up at four entrances of the first phase of the plant to check employees' body temperatures.
Down Detector, which tracks service interruptions on a variety of sites across the world, posted an increasing number of outage reports since Thursday morning.
Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp, which all are owned by Facebook, are reporting problems around the world, and the outages were concentrated in the eastern United States, and parts of Europe and South America, according to Down Detector, which tracks service interruptions on a variety of sites across the world.
It has introduced facial recognition-enabled smart door locks, smart smoke detectors and burglar alarms to create a safer, cozier living environment for customers.
According to China Unicom, this store features JD's facial recognition and motion recognition technologies, Wi-Fi detectors and smart billboards.
The company provides advanced technology and products - from explosive and drug detectors to vehicle inspection systems - and integrates solutions in the security inspection industry in many areas.
"For example, we will install a smoke detector in the capsule.
To maintain the high quality of its trout products, the Zungui company has introduced world-leading processing and packaging equipment and auxiliary facilities — metal detectors, microbial testing devices and ozone disinfection systems.