
谐音记忆爱的 → 爱的“漩涡” → eddy n.漩涡,涡流
词性拓展记忆 / 词形拓展记忆
eddy current 涡流,涡流
Eddy currents flow through the metal when it is exposed to a changing magnetic field.
Eddy, can you pass the salt, please?
Eddy is an experienced surfer who conquers the waves with ease.
The river formed a swirling eddy near the bend.
Eddy, let's go for a bike ride along the river this weekend.
His name was written in bold letters on the eddy of the stream.
Eddy currents can cause energy loss in electrical machinery.
Eddy, don't forget to lock the door before leaving the house.
The children played in the shallow eddies of the river, splashing each other.
Eddy's dog chased its tail around the backyard, creating a playful eddy.
FedEx has been deeply involved in BRI projects over the years to contribute to the stability of the global industrial and supply chains, said Eddy Chan, senior vice-president of United States-based FedEx Express and president of FedEx China.
美国联邦快递高级副总裁、联邦快递中国区总裁Eddy Chan表示,多年来,联邦快递一直深入参与“一带一路”倡议项目,为全球产业链和供应链的稳定做出贡献。
"This co-operation is in line with Indonesia's vision to build a domestic EV ecosystem and make PT Vale an important contributor toward addressing the world's decarbonization challenge, with an investment that will generate local economic benefits and ensure the optimal utilization of Indonesia's nickel resources," said Febriany Eddy, CEO of PT Vale Indonesia.
PT Vale Indonesia首席执行官Febriany Eddy表示:“这一合作符合印尼的愿景,即建立国内电动汽车生态系统,使PT Vale成为应对世界脱碳挑战的重要贡献者,投资将产生当地经济效益,并确保印尼镍资源的最佳利用。”。
"We have actively intensified collaboration with local governments and partners to more efficiently connect Chinese enterprises with the global market, contributing to the increase of China's exports and imports," said Eddy Chan, senior vice-president of FedEx and president of FedEx China.
联邦快递高级副总裁兼联邦快递中国区总裁Eddy Chan表示:“我们积极加强与地方政府和合作伙伴的合作,以更有效地将中国企业与全球市场联系起来,为中国进出口的增长做出贡献。”。
"The Pomalaa Block HPAL Project is a cornerstone of PT Vale's sustainable growth agenda that will drive local and national economic and social development well into the future," said PT Vale Indonesia CEO Febriany Eddy.
PT Vale印尼首席执行官Febriany Eddy表示:“波美拉区块HPAL项目是PT Vale可持续增长议程的基石,该议程将推动当地和国家经济社会发展。”。
"We are positive on China's business environment, and we are fully confident in Shanghai's economic development and investment outlook," said Eddy Chan, senior vice-president of Fed-Ex Express and president of FedEx China.
“我们对中国的商业环境持积极态度,对上海的经济发展和投资前景充满信心,”FedEx Express高级副总裁、联邦快递中国总裁Eddy Chan表示。
Eddy Chan, senior vice-president of FedEx Express and president of FedEx China, said, "Over the years, the Chinese government and the Shanghai municipal authorities have always provided a prime business environment for foreign enterprises, and Shanghai has witnessed many milestones achieved by FedEx in its development in China.
联邦快递高级副总裁、联邦快递中国区总裁Eddy Chan表示:“多年来,中国政府和上海市政府一直为外国企业提供良好的营商环境,上海见证了联邦快递在中国发展的许多里程碑。
Eddy Chan, senior vice-president of FedEx Express, said the company is making every effort to ensure supply chains linked to Shanghai remain stable.
联邦快递高级副总裁Eddy Chan表示,该公司正在尽一切努力确保与上海相关的供应链保持稳定。
Similar views were expressed by Eddy Chan, vice-president of FedEx Express and president of FedEx China.
With the gradual reduction of tariffs, the RCEP will offer consumers a wider range of market options, meeting the demand for cross-border consumption and helping boost overall consumption, said Eddy Chan, senior vice-president of the United States-based FedEx Express.
Eddy Chan, senior vice-president of United States-based FedEx Express, said his company is encouraged by these fresh guidelines, as they will help improve the level and quality of trade and investment cooperation.