The local fishery has been a vital source of income for the community for generations.
Overfishing in the coastal fishery has led to a decline in fish populations.
The government implemented new regulations to ensure sustainable practices in the fishery.
The fishery's catch varied seasonally, with the highest yields during the summer months.
A marine biologist was hired to study the ecosystem of the fishery and recommend conservation measures.
The introduction of advanced fishing technology has revolutionized the traditional fishery industry.
The fishery's success depends on maintaining a healthy balance between harvest and conservation.
The fishery participates in a program that monitors bycatch to minimize harm to non-target species.
Due to climate change, the fishery has observed changes in migration patterns of certain fish species.
The community fishery promotes responsible fishing practices, educating both fishermen and consumers.
"A modern fishery technology industrial park is under the process of construction approval.
Building on such foundation, the local government has been exploring new ways of fishery.
Media reported that Ma spent time studying fisheries and tuna farming in Japan, and he also traveled to Thailand where he visited a sea shrimp farming factory.
The blue label is used for wild fish or seafood from fisheries that have been certified with the MSC Fisheries Standard, a set of requirements for sustainable fishing.
"I was shocked by the statistics from the Food and Agriculture Organization which shows that capture fisheries and aquaculture production has increased by nine times in the past 70 years, and many species are on the edge of extinction as a result of overfishing," he said.
The group's business scope in China covers more than a dozen industries, including apparel, logistics, fisheries and real estate.
Together with Two Rivers Fisheries, created by Chinese American businesswoman Angie Yu and operating since 2012 in the area, these investors formed the first Asian carp industrial park in the United States.
At the International Fisheries Industrial Park, newcomers' specialties range from making fish ball, smoked fish, dried fish, fish sauce to turning fish guts into organic fertilizers.
Angie Yu of Two Rivers Fisheries said she would likely put Arkansas on top of her list when her firm expands business, given the state's proximity to her Kentucky plant.
In his speech at the launch of the International Fisheries Industrial Park in Wickliffe, Erran F. Persley, commissioner of the Kentucky Cabinet for Economic Development, praised it as an example of how Chinese provinces and the US states can keep the momentum of business going at the sub-national level.