Eric greeted her with a loving hug.
They hug and kiss.
I gave my little sister a big hug after she won the race.
A warm hug can melt even the coldest of hearts.
She hugged her friend tightly, feeling grateful for their support.
After a long day at work, a hug from my partner was all I needed.
He opened the door and enveloped his child in a bear hug.
The nurse gently hugged the crying baby to comfort them.
Friends reunited after years apart shared a heartfelt hug.
In times of sadness, a hug is often the best medicine.
She offered a comforting hug to her nervous friend before the big presentation.
The teacher hugged each student goodbye as they left for summer vacation.
The global beverage brand Coca-Cola on Thursday unveiled a new worldwide brand philosophy and platform called Real Magic, as well as adding the "Hug" – a new perspective on the Coca-Cola logo — to get better engaged with consumers, especially the Gen Z group.
The "Hug" logo and campaign are expected to be rolled out in the Chinese market starting Oct 8.
Coca-Cola's new "Hug" logo lifts the curved Coca-Cola trademark on bottle and can labels to provide a visual signature that will embrace and frame moments of magic across Coca-Cola's communications.
A frequent traveler, Che would often visit plane cleaners and shake hands with them or hug the porters upon returning from business trips.
"This is the happiest Spring Festival ever in my life," he said as emotion and the attendant tears overcame him on hugging his son.
"Right on cue, Wang's dog popped up from under the table, eagerly seeking a hug.
Romantic comedy "Warm Hug" and crime thriller "Shock Wave 2," both domestic productions, accounted for around 20 percent and 18 percent of the box office total from Jan 1 to 26, respectively.
"Every time my cat purrs at me, head-butts my face, and rubs against my leg, I want to hug him and kiss him all over.
You can hug them, and make real eye contact to show your love, just as you would do in real life.
In addition to voice interaction, Xiaozhi and Xiaorong also displayed physical abilities, such as shaking hands, hugging people and dancing.
Its mascot robot called Opti is expected to interact with tourists from around the world, welcoming them, hugging them, and even taking photos with them.