The painting was beautiful, but not perfect - there was a slight flaw in the upper left corner.
Despite his excellent performance, he still made a few mistakes, which showed his humanity and imperfection.
She accepted her flaws, embracing the fact that she was imperfect and unique.
The handmade pottery had an imperfect glaze, giving it a rustic charm.
His pronunciation is far from perfect, but he communicates effectively despite his imperfections.
The old house had a certain charm because of its imperfections, like the crooked floorboards.
The song's rough edges and imperfect harmonies added to its emotional depth.
The athlete's imperfect form didn't stop him from winning the gold medal; it was his determination that mattered.
The manuscript was full of typos and grammatical errors, a testament to its human, imperfect authorship.
In love, it's often the imperfections that make the relationship genuine and endearing.
The huge increase of household deposits was caused by both short-term and long-term factors, including unstable employment and uncertainties brought by COVID-19 as well as China's imperfect social security system, said Dong Ximiao, chief researcher at Merchants Union Consumer Finance Co.
"In April, a large number of local cherries were ripe, but due to the imperfect logistics and transportation, many of them could not be shipped to cities.
"At present, the TCM industry is confronted with challenges, such as poor herb quality, low manufacturing levels, imperfect circulation system and credibility problems.
But a fundamental question facing the AI sector in China and elsewhere is how these novel and still imperfect technologies can be monetized.
Simple quantum computations can be performed in laboratory settings, but in the real world such technology will need to operate in imperfect and unpredictable environments.
To make AI beings on the island more like human beings, Li said the key is for AI beings to be diverse and imperfect.
In addition, imperfect pricing and structural mechanisms within the bond market, insufficient application of innovative tools and incomplete risk mitigation modalities are the main issues restricting private enterprises' bond activity.
Corresponding measures should be actively taken to improve both the structure of the bond market and the imperfect pricing mechanism.
If the guarantee and collateral mechanisms are imperfect, banks will step back from supporting these projects due to higher risks associated with long-term loans and investments.
"The financial derivatives market for risk prevention is imperfect.