六级Can class='redkw'>nn> you tell us how you first became in class='redkw'>nn>terested in class='redkw'>nn> this subject matter?( ' , 9 ) Wh e n class='redkw'>nn> f a c i n class='redkw'>nn> g a n class='redkw'>nn> e w situation class='redkw'>nn>, some people ten class='redkw'>nn>d to rehearse their defeat by spen class='redkw'>nn>din class='redkw'>nn>g too much time an class='redkw'>nn>ticipatin class='redkw'>nn>g the worst.
高考That's exactly what is happen class='redkw'>nn>in class='redkw'>nn>g in class='redkw'>nn> small n class='redkw'>nn>eighborhoods aroun class='redkw'>nn>d the coun class='redkw'>nn>try from oran class='redkw'>nn>ge coun class='redkw'>nn>ty, Californ class='redkw'>nn>ia, where 22 measles cases were reported this mon class='redkw'>nn>th, to brooklyn class='redkw'>nn>, n class='redkw'>nn>.
2017年高考英语北京卷 阅读理解 阅读C 原文
高考When class='redkw'>nn> a lion class='redkw'>nn> tamer holds a chair n class='redkw'>nn> fron class='redkw'>nn>t of the lion class='redkw'>nn>'s face, the lion class='redkw'>nn> tries to focus on class='redkw'>nn> all four legs of the chair at the same time.
2014年高考英语全国卷1 阅读理解 阅读C 原文
高考Soon class='redkw'>nn> she drove to meet zac in class='redkw'>nn> watertown class='redkw'>nn>, n class='redkw'>nn>.
2019年高考英语浙江卷 阅读理解 阅读A 原文
四级While elderly people ten class='redkw'>nn>d to sleep for fewer hours than class='redkw'>nn> they did when class='redkw'>nn> they were youn class='redkw'>nn>ger, this has a(n class='redkw'>nn>) n class='redkw'>nn>egative effect on class='redkw'>nn> their brain class='redkw'>nn>'s performan class='redkw'>nn>ce an class='redkw'>nn>d they would ben class='redkw'>nn>efit from gettin class='redkw'>nn>g more, accordin class='redkw'>nn>g to research.
四级While elderly people ten class='redkw'>nn>d to sleep for fewer hours than class='redkw'>nn> they did when class='redkw'>nn> they were youn class='redkw'>nn>ger, this has a(n class='redkw'>nn>) n class='redkw'>nn>egative effect on class='redkw'>nn> their brain class='redkw'>nn>'s performan class='redkw'>nn>ce an class='redkw'>nn>d they would ben class='redkw'>nn>efit from gettin class='redkw'>nn>g more, accordin class='redkw'>nn>g to research
四级I n class='redkw'>nn> a three-stage life, people leave un class='redkw'>nn>iversity at the same time an class='redkw'>nn>d the same age, they ten class='redkw'>nn>d to start their careers an class='redkw'>nn>d family at the same age, they proceed through middle man class='redkw'>nn>agemen class='redkw'>nn>t all roughly the same time, an class='redkw'>nn>d then class='redkw'>nn> move in class='redkw'>nn>to retiremen class='redkw'>nn>t within class='redkw'>nn> a few years of each other.
四级N) If teachers keep it form-free an class='redkw'>nn>d studen class='redkw'>nn>t-led, it can class='redkw'>nn> still be tied to a curriculum an class='redkw'>nn>d an class='redkw'>nn> education class='redkw'>nn>al plan class='redkw'>nn>.
N) 如果教师保持形式自由和学生主导,它仍然可以与课程和教育计划挂钩。
四级N)“Poverty has been class='redkw'>nn> in class='redkw'>nn>terchan class='redkw'>nn>geable with people of color—specifically black women class='redkw'>nn> an class='redkw'>nn>d black moth-ers,”says Atkin class='redkw'>nn>son class='redkw'>nn> of Motherin class='redkw'>nn>g Justice.
N) Mothering Justice的阿特金森说:“贫困与有色人种是可以互换的,尤其是黑人女性和黑人飞蛾。”。