
词根词缀记忆/谐音联想记忆 补充/纠错
词根pre 前;预先 + caution 小心 → 预先 …………
谐音记忆陪考生 → 每年高考都会有交警叔叔陪考生,“预防”出现意外
词性拓展记忆 / 词形拓展记忆
take precautions 采取预防措施
take precautions to prevent sth. against sth. 采取预防措施防止某事发生
as a precaution 作为预防措施
take precautions against sth. 对某事采取预防措施
take some precautions 采取一些预防措施
Eric was using every precaution to hide her whereabouts.
Tom replaced the parts with great precaution.
Always wear a helmet while riding a bike, as it's a crucial precaution to protect your head.
Before using any electrical appliance, make sure to read the safety precautions outlined in the user manual.
In case of a fire, it's essential to have working smoke detectors installed as a precaution.
When cooking with oil, keep a fire extinguisher nearby as a precaution against kitchen fires.
To avoid sunburn, always apply sunscreen with a high SPF before going out in the sun.
It's advisable to back up important files regularly as a precaution against data loss.
Drivers should always wear seat belts as a basic precaution for their safety on the road.
Taking flu shots annually is a preventive measure to reduce the chances of contracting influenza.
To protect your online privacy, use strong passwords and enable two-factor authentication as a precaution.
Before swimming in open water, check the weather forecast and water conditions as a precaution against potential dangers.
They effectively checked the test plan and equipment, and assigned test tasks and safety precautions to the team members.
Chinese enterprises, while carrying out businesses in a completely new market, often encounter workforce management and legal challenges during their operational phase, such as tax compliance, labor disputes and drafting of contracts, which may lead to significant risks or losses if no preliminary research or precautions are undertaken, said Lin Tan, founder and CEO of PayInOne, a Shanghai-based full-service global employee management and payroll platform.
In a bid to ensure a safe and smooth construction process, the No 4 beam fabrication yard of China Railway No 4 Engineering, the project's contractor, devised thorough work plans on cross-expressway girder construction, ground traffic management and safety precaution measures, said Zeng Weixian, chief of the yard.
As many Chinese cities took measures to identify safety hazards and strengthen precautions to curb major accidents in workplaces and residential areas in recent years, the company introduced products like its Kidde brand, including connected fire alarms and a smart home ecosystem, to China market in September.
Various MNOs (mobile network operators), including the telecom operators, partners, regulators, think-tanks, academia, from Bangladesh, Bhutan, and Nepal are expected to join this event in the next few days virtually, and also physically while maintaining precautions for COVID-19, a Huawei statement said.
He explained that the economic effects of international travel restrictions are the most frequently mentioned issue for German businesses in China, and the export-oriented German economy needs an easing of travel restrictions worldwide and an increase in scheduled flight capacities to and from China while maintaining security and health precautions.
But her fears subsided soon when she was assured of the precautions taken by her driver and Didi, the Chinese ride-hailing company that rolled out the app on mobile devices, she said.
The phased reopening, with precautions, shows the delicate balance between epidemic control and rebooting businesses, which is conducive to economic development in the long term, said Bai Guo, an assistant professor of strategy at China Europe International Business School.
The drones fly around the city center and areas prone to mass gatherings to broadcast standard precautions like keeping a safe distance or traveling only when purchasing necessities.
Zhou Yuehua, a widely acclaimed eye surgeon who left the reputed Beijing Tongren Hospital at the end of 2018 to work at the company full-time, said it is a pity many children he has treated have severe myopia that could have been prevented if their parents were more aware of the threat and took precautions when the children were younger.

六级Overall, the strike is an effort to provide more secondary compensation along with other concerns,such as transparency upon hiring talent and on-set safety precautions.


2019年6月六级真题(第二套)阅读 Section C

六级A few precautions can help most climbers avoid altitude sickness



六级A few precautions can help most climbers avoid altitude sickness.



六级(学校) From the factors mentioned above, we may safely draw the conclusion that we can free ourselves from mental illness by taking certain precautions.


