May all your dreams come
It sounds ridiculous but it rings
true to me.
Show me your
true colours!
The statement "The earth is round" is
True friends are always there for you through thick and thin.
true that practice makes perfect.
The news about his retirement is
true, I confirmed it from the official source.
She truly believes in the power of positive thinking.
True leadership isn't about having authority, but inspiring others.
The color of the sky during sunset is often a breathtakingly
true shade of orange.
His dedication to work is absolutely
true; he never shirks responsibility.
The story of his childhood, as he described it, was heartbreakingly
In mathematics, 1+1 is always
true; it equals 2. (在数学中,1+1永远等于2,这是恒真的。
"Irreplaceable innovation is the true innovation and the core competitive advantage," said Gao.
SenseTime, which did not list Tang's age, said "Professor Tang's wisdom, passion and endless exploration of science will always inspire us to stay true to our original aspirations and forge ahead. "
The service is being rolled out for members to further support its ongoing commitment to excellent customer service and its mission to become a true travel companion for its global customer base.
It doesn't matter how other people see us; we are true to ourselves.
This is particularly true for young shoppers purchasing clothing brands and accessories, as 61 percent of the respondents aged between 18 and 25 plan to increase spending on Chinese-branded clothing, fashion items and accessories during this year's promotional gala, the highest among all product categories and age groups.
Russell also said that shoppers are carefully researching options across channels and platforms to find true product differentiators, such as quality and sustainability, beyond reduced price tags.
It is the world's first and currently the only true dual-chamber leadless pacing system that treats people with abnormal or slow heart rhythms.
Also being "an important measure for China to support trade liberalization and economic globalization," the CIIE practices true multilateralism and builds more open consensus, thus being particularly valuable for the economic development of today's world, Zhang said.
New Zealand-based The True Honey Co on Monday announced the China launch of a manuka honey product with the highest levels of MGO (methylglyoxal) and UMF (unique manuka factor) in the world.
总部位于新西兰的True Honey公司周一宣布在中国推出麦卢卡蜂蜜产品,该产品含有世界上最高水平的MGO(甲基乙二醛)和UMF(独特麦卢卡因子)。
"The UMF Honey Association can confirm that The Rare Harvest 2050+ MGO manuka honey sample submitted by its member The True Honey Co has generated the highest ever recorded UMF test result at 34 UMF since our accredited laboratories were established," said Campbell Naish, acting CEO of UMF Honey Association.
“UMF蜂蜜协会可以确认,其成员The True Honey Co提交的稀有收获2050+MGO麦卢卡蜂蜜样品产生了自我们的认证实验室成立以来有史以来最高的UMF测试结果,为34个UMF,”UMF蜂蜜联盟代理首席执行官Campbell Naish说。
"This is particularly true for the healthcare sector, as innovations in the sector must be made based on a broad patient base around the world.
Its business covers a wide range of consumer audio, such as True Wireless Stereo (TWS) technology, video game solutions and professional audio solutions.
其业务涵盖广泛的消费音频,如True Wireless Stereo(TWS)技术、视频游戏解决方案和专业音频解决方案。
"When you look into true wireless headphones, active noise cancellation is a real differentiator.
Huawei and SMIC did not comment on such reports, but some market watchers believe the reports to be true.
"Clients need services with true value.
This includes leveraging AI to proactively monitor for emerging threats and realize a true multi-cloud automated recovery, Chua said, adding that the company remains a close partner with a slew of local cloud computing service providers, such as Alibaba Cloud and Inspur Cloud, to support Chinese market's digital transformation.
Liang Weixing, managing director of Digital Power at Huawei South Asia, said, "We strongly believe that with our digital solutions, the country and its people will get the opportunity to utilize the true power of ICT and foster a technologically-enabled future.
Chinese private conglomerate Wanda Group said in a statement on Thursday that the news regarding the company selling 20 Wanda Plaza shopping malls for a total of 16 billion yuan ($2.26 billion) is not true.
"While it's true that we have considerable pressure ahead, we have what it takes to come out the other end — opportunities to grow, a resilient business portfolio, a unique competitive edge, the enduring trust of our customers and partners and the courage to invest heavily in research and development.
Shu Jueting, a spokeswoman of the ministry, told a news conference that China has noticed media reports saying the US is pursuing such a move, and if the news reports turn out to be true, the US decision would be based on TikTok's foreign ownership, rather than its products and services, which will severely damage confidence of foreign investors, including those from China.
When you open Temu, prices seem almost too good to be true.
The ones with true investment value can weather the economic cycles and guard against external risks," said He.
Jin Peng, co-founder of Nreal, said the value of technology lies in helping people live a better life, and the same is true for AR as a trending technology leading the future.
This is particularly true for high-end manufacturing, trade in services and consumer goods industries.
Hou Yang, chairman and CEO of Microsoft Greater China, said: "The CIIE is well-timed this year to showcase both the forward motion of economic recovery as well as the true value of technology solutions for the global recovery.
That is especially true amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
"It is true that in the short term, recurring outbreaks, especially in the second quarter, have brought some challenges to our business, such as logistic delays and temporary restrictions at on-trade venues.
The boutique is also equipped with the patented De Beers Iris, which offers professional appreciation services for CDFG customers to see the true brightness of natural diamonds from the perspective of diamond experts through Iris.
In the past few years, Club Med stayed true to its expansion strategy by opening resorts in China and overseas.
This is even more true in these first few months of 2022, seeing a tragic conflict unfold in Europe – building consensus between China and the world on development and cooperation is crucial.
But what I've learned, and it's particularly true, is that, in such a fast-moving world, experience is of little use," said Dyson.
James Quincey, Chairman and CEO of The Coca-Cola Company, said: "We remain true to our purpose and are staying close to consumers.
Liu Chang, founder and CEO of 17 Education & Technology Group Inc, said the company will make full use of big data, artificial intelligence and other technologies to center on core teaching application scenarios such as homework, and promote the true and normal use of SaaS software services in school education.
"For Danone, the CIIE is true to its name, a birthplace of important products for foreign companies, where we are able to bring some of the most advanced products and solutions to the market," Chevot said.
Venny Liu, managing director of Bissell Asia, said: "The COVID-19 pandemic has greatly raised global demand for deep family cleaning, and this is especially true in the Chinese market.
Bissell亚洲区董事总经理Venny Liu表示:“新冠肺炎疫情极大地提高了全球对深度家庭清洁的需求,中国市场尤其如此。
From 2016 to 2020, the proportion of days with good air quality in cities at prefecture level and above in China increased by 5.8 percentage points to 87 percent, and the proportion of surface water with excellent quality rose by 17.4 percentage points to 83.4 percent, according to Huang Runqiu, minister of ecology and environment, who emphasized the country will unswervingly carry out new development ideas while staying true to the mission of environmental protection.
She said that true winners are those who are able to tap into new consumer demand and innovate to create new growth levers.
Bang & Olufsen also selected China as the first market to launch its first true wireless earphones with adaptive active noise cancellation, Beoplay EQ, in July.
Bang & Olufsen 还选择中国作为首款搭载自适应主动降噪功能的真无线耳塞式耳机 Beoplay EQ 的首发市场,该产品于 7 月上市。
"True wireless stereo (TWS) earphones are a booming market in China.
"This can be done by having greater sensitivity on current events and cultural happenings that matter to Chinese consumers, promoting and supporting social and environmental causes, while remaining true to their brand image and relevant to their demographic," Ye said.
Financial regulators also called on the group to disclose true information on major events, following the requirements of laws and regulations.
With the industry and society being more and more aware of the true value of AI, AI technology has entered a period of rapid application after long-term investment and accumulation," Li said.
Apart from promoting its audio products including the Phantom series in China, the Paris-based company announced the arrival of Devialet Gemini – its first true wireless earbuds into the Chinese market this year.
除了推广其Phantom系列音频产品外,这家总部位于巴黎的公司还宣布在今年将其首款真无线耳机Devialet Gemini引入中国市场。
"The true wireless market is growing rapidly - nearly 200 million units are bought per year, where China has become a major market for this segment," Ku added.
"The fine is a landmark event that indicates the country's true enhancement of action against monopolistic behaviors.
They are instead complementary and mutually reinforcing, which holds true even on a global scale," it said.
As discovered by Breo, most of its consumers are well-educated, and about 73 percent of them hold a college degree, which is true for both the domestic and overseas markets.
The strong growth rates show that StarRides is a perfect offering for customers looking for a true premium ride-hailing experience.
强劲的增长率表明,StarRides 对于寻求真正高端出行体验的客户来说,是一个完美的选择。
This is true for high-end plastic products, sustainable construction materials and automobile components, as well as for the company's broad spectrum of upstream suppliers and downstream clients, said Javier Gimeno, group senior vice-president and CEO of the company's Asia-Pacific operations.
这适用于高端塑料产品、可持续建筑材料和汽车部件,也适用于公司的广泛上游供应商和下游客户,该公司集团高级副总裁兼亚太区首席执行官Javier Gimeno表示。
"Roche has been a true beneficiary of China's ever-improving business environment," Chow said.
Wang Yuanyuan had never used a true wireless stereo earbud until her friend gifted her one as a birthday present last year.
"Cao Dequan, deputy secretary-general of the Chinese Association of Plastics and Aesthetics, said that the campaign will deliver lectures to formal medical aesthetics institutions, teaching them how to distinguish the true products from fake, and how to train doctors.
"It is true for all the companies that work on standards, regardless of nationality-in wireless standards we see contributions from US, Chinese, Japanese, South Korean and European companies," he said.
"Based on true customer demand, we believe different drivetrain technologies will coexist alongside each other even in the years to come," said Goller.
Lu said: "Like the universal craving for ice cream among young kids, their understanding of the true, the good and the beautiful is the same, which is also what their parents ask for in early education products.
Between 2010 and 2011, Wall Street short sellers initiated a series of accusations against Chinese firms' financial integrity, many of which proved to be true.
They must stay true to the bottom line of financial integrity, and at the same time strengthen information disclosure to live up to investor expectations.
Listed companies should strictly obey the laws and regulations to disclose information in a true, accurate and complete manner.
In the spirit of true partnership, Ikea wants to support you to secure a smooth production restart, guaranteeing a safe environment for all workers.
I'm the best proof to the local people as to how women can find true meaning in their lives," she said.
Hayida's is just one of the many such true stories that illustrate the socio-economic difference that Jollychic has made to the local market.
If the content of the report is true, it suggests that Americans in industrial sectors seem to have more common sense, and be more sensible and likely to tell the truth than certain officials in the US administration, the spokesperson said.
"No matter past, present or future, we remain true to our mission and we will support our merchants to overcome this challenging time together," he said.
"It's important for everyone to know there is also real work being done by lots of private companies inside the United States and in Europe to make sure that there are true competitors to Huawei.
"At Elefoto, we aim to help consumers discover their true beauty through the lens.
"Chinese consumers have a true love for the extreme end of our sophisticated collection.
A native of Beijing, Yang said "dream, dare, do" is her favorite '3-D' theme that is true to her personal and professional life.
Her vision for Levi's in China is for the company to become a true market driver and deliver exponential growth.
We have built a worldwide platform that supports growth, shared experiences and true success.
This year, we're joined by more than 30 brands who'll be exhibiting with us including:Healthcare – Blossom, Ocean King, True Protein, Homart, NaturoBest, JS Health, Australian NaturalcareSkincare & Personal Care - Aspect Skin, DU'IT, Ego Pharmaceuticals, Earon, Moogoo, Carbon Coco, Sukin, Fox Tan, Omit, SkinB5Mother & Baby – Bubba Organic, Glitter FriendsFood & Beverage – Blue River Wine, Fonterra, NestleApparel – Culture Kings, Minnow Design, DoyouevenLifestyle & Design – AFL, Kikki K, Maison de SabreStrategic Partners – Argyle Hotels, AsiaLink, Bank of ChinaWe are proud to participate at CIIE again this year.
The gleaming American Dream mall is a true feat of engineering, with its sparkling white marble floors, colorful interior, record-breaking amenities and shops.
"We hope to give the private equity sector, which traditionally lacks information technology specialties and digital operations, a true digital boost to improve efficiency," said Zhou Ye, chairman and CEO of Huifu Payment.
In fact, China has achieved true global scale as a trading nation, but not in other areas such as finance.
SWAPA's lawsuit, filed in Dallas, alleges that Boeing "abandoned sound design and engineering practices, withheld safety critical information from regulators and deliberately misled its customers, pilots and the public about the true scope of design changes to the 737 MAX".
Zhang and Swenson have enjoyed a somewhat typical business relationship together - deeper than most Westerners might understand, yet a true "win-win" business paradigm.
The cooperation with Angang was the starting point of Zhao's dream coming true: to build a world-class brake products company that can serve not only China but the rest of the world.
Winning the award was not only recognition of many months of hard work, it was also the source of a new business and a dream come true.
The RS Pro, one of the products it unveiled, can project at true 4K resolution.
What brings him true joy, he said, is spending time with his little daughter during their spare time.
"China is a true friend of the Philippines because you are giving happiness to the Filipinos, especially to the less-privileged people who live in the remote community," Ranque said.
In addition, Foxconn reiterated it didn't lay off massive numbers of employees in the Chinese mainland factories, and said the rumor is old and not true.
"Our dream has come true this year,"Eid told spectators at the ceremony.
Little did I realize that these words would come true, when I got an opportunity to closely interact with sailors as part of my recent interviews with China COSCO Shipping Corp Ltd in Shanghai and Guangzhou of Guangdong province.
Qian believes a hotel can stand out if the management pays attention to the following three aspects: customer orientation, continuous innovation, and being true to employees' values.
"It is more like that some political forces are trying to get Huawei's parcels from FedEx, which, if true, is a clear violation of Huawei's rights and interests.
Up to relatively recently, we would have said that it's a model that holds true.
This is particularly true in Western markets where large legacy companies struggle to adapt their infrastructure, but in China domestic companies can start fresh to build businesses in a new model from scratch.
is a long-cherished dream come true.
Yes, there are, but that is true of every company.
The government has been true to its word when it talks about the new era of opening-up and attracting foreign direct investment, and companies like us are responding to that.
Van Beurden said the country's business environment for foreign companies has improved over the past few years, and the government has been very true to its word when it talks about the new era of opening up and attracting foreign direct investment.
This has been true for geopolitics, macroeconomy and markets.
Popular with young people internationally and especially in Asia, it is estimated that in Thailand one in seven people have the app downloaded on their phones, with similar statistics holding true across the southeast of the continent.
This is particularly true for countries in South America, Central Asia, Southeast Asia and Africa that are participating in the Belt and Road Initiative, according to Lou Qiliang, CRRC's vice-president.
Morgan Stanley said earlier as shale drilling could finally have a true commercial potential in China, the potential for more drilling would likely increase capital expenditure for shale this year and benefit onshore oilfield service companies.
Ma said he has seen the film, a road trip drama based on a true story in segregation era, three times, and in his view, a Chinese movie is actually not far from an Oscars award.
"With its unique proposition, best-in-class branding assets, and strong support from Australian and Chinese mums, Grass Fed Formula is poised to take a true leadership position in the industry.
He said: "there is only one true 5G supplier right now and that is Huawei, the others need to catch up.
In this way, it has built true ownership among all the associates over time, he said.
In addition to being among the first batch of players to unveil 5G smartphones, Oppo will step up the exploration of application scenarios of next-gen devices, which will ultimately play a role in deciding the true value of the superfast technology.