abbr.北美自由贸易协定(North American Free Trade Agreement),北大西洋自由贸易区(North Atlantic Free Trade Area)
The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) has significantly reduced trade barriers between the United States, Canada, and Mexico.
The renegotiation of NAFTA has been a contentious issue in recent US politics.
One of the main criticisms of NAFTA is that it has led to job losses in manufacturing industries in the US."
After the signing of NAFTA, there was a surge in cross-border trade activities between Canada and Mexico.
NAFTA's environmental provisions have been criticized for not being stringent enough to protect the environment across North America."
The automotive industry in the US has benefited greatly from NAFTA, as it facilitates easier access to the Mexican market for car manufacturers.
The debate over NAFTA's impact on labor conditions in the US has intensified with concerns about outsourcing jobs to countries with lower labor costs.
The agricultural sector in Canada has seen significant growth due to NAFTA, as it expanded market access for Canadian farmers.
The renegotiation of NAFTA aimed to address some of the concerns raised by critics, including those related to intellectual property rights and digital trade.
The effects of NAFTA on the economy of Mexico have been mixed, with some sectors benefiting while others faced challenges."
”Canada is in talks with the United States to renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).
The US and Mexico are expected to reach a separate deal on NAFTA soon.
“It would be fair to say that China has become the fourth player to NAFTA,” said Prescott.
GM also has a significant risk should the US, Mexico and Canada fail to agree on a new North American Free Trade Agreement, given GM trucks built at its Silao factory in Mexico could face a 25 percent tariff if NAFTA collapses.
"It is a year of uncertainty," she said, referring to the renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) between Mexico, the United States and Canada, and the country's presidential elections in the summer.
"In this still favorable environment, the global supplier industry is expected to increase its revenues by 3 percent in 2017, with Chinese and NAFTA suppliers currently more profitable than the global average," said the Global Automotive Supplier Study 2018, compiled by consultancy firm Roland Berger and investment bank Lazard.
Yang Nanhua, director general of BAIC in Mexico, said the plan would go into action "unless something drastic happens with the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).
"Rules of origin, particularly on autos and auto parts, must require higher NAFTA content and substantial US content.
"We certainly think a US-specific requirement would greatly complicate the ability of companies, particularly small and medium-size enterprises, to take advantage of the benefits of NAFTA," said Matt Blunt, president of the American Automotive Policy Council.
"Could you address the tracing to help you get to NAFTA compliance level by capturing some of the work that's being done in Silicon Valley or Waterloo, Canada?