
词根词缀记忆/谐音联想记忆 补充/纠错
词根capric〔e〕突变;任性(来 …………
联想记忆cap(帽子) + rici(如此) + ous(欧式) → 帽子不走寻常路一会正一会反 …………
The weather in the mountains can be quite capricious, changing from sunny to stormy in a matter of minutes.
Her mood swings were so capricious that her friends never knew how she would react to any given situation.
The boss's decisions seemed capricious, favoring one employee over another without any clear rationale.
The artist's brushstrokes were capricious, creating a sense of movement and unpredictability in the painting.
The paths of the fireflies in the garden appeared capricious, darting here and there without any apparent pattern.
His love for travel was capricious; one day he'd be planning a trip to Paris, the next he'd be set on exploring the Amazon.
The stock market's fluctuations can be capricious, making it difficult for investors to predict which way prices will go.
The chef's menu was capricious, with new and unexpected dishes appearing every week based on whatever ingredients inspired him.
Her fashion sense was capricious, embracing a different style each season and defying anyone to pin her down to a single look.
The direction of the wind was capricious, causing sailors to constantly adjust their sails to maintain course.
In March, US District Judge Rudolph Contreras put a temporary halt to the restrictions, saying the US move was "arbitrary and capricious" and did not allow the firm its due process rights.
Yet, challenges remain ahead amid the capricious epidemic at home and the complicated external environment.
Among these malpractices, actions that have forced merchants to choose between the platform's own marketplace and other competitors are the most severe, a reflection of sheer capricious and disorderly expansion of capital from the platform economy, which is blatant trampling and destruction of market competition, officials said after the meeting.
Market expectations are capricious.
"The US Treasury action declaring China a currency manipulator was blatantly arbitrary, capricious and political, based on Trump's tweets rather than on objective analysis," said Sachs.
"The US Treasury action declaring China a currency manipulator was blatantly arbitrary, capricious and political, based on Trump's tweets rather than on objective analysis," Sachs said.
The Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act of 1988, which was quoted by the Treasury Department, has no specific criterion, and "it is much more arbitrary and capricious", according to Wang.
China tipped to open up market further, easing financial climate to soften impact of trade tensionsWith the United States bent on intensifying or prolonging its trade war with China, the world's second-largest economy is poised to take a measured approach in dealing with the capricious US tariffs unleashed in the escalating tensions, and further open up its vast market to counter unilateralism and protectionism.
Zhao Xijun, deputy dean of the School of Finance at Renmin University of China, said the capricious US trade policy and the US Federal Reserve's monetary policy normalization have led recently to drastic fluctuations and uncertainties in global financial markets as well as for the Chinese foreign exchange market.