She categorized the books in the library by author.
The biologist categorized the species of plants found in the rainforest.
He categorically denied any involvement in the crime.
The company categorized its employees into different departments based on their skills.
This painting style can be categorized as Impressionism.
She categorized her expenses into fixed and variable costs for budget planning.
The project manager categorized tasks as high, medium, and low priority.
Psychological disorders are often categorized into diagnostic categories like anxiety disorders or mood disorders.
The fashion industry categorizes clothing trends into seasons and collections.
Online shopping platforms categorize products to help customers easily find what they're looking for.
For example, by categorizing orders based on exact building location, Walmart stores in Wuhan are able to better manage the orders and dispatch products with trucks to improve delivery more efficiently in challenging times.
To lend a helping hand to medical workers who are overloaded with work diagnosing and treating the COVID-19 patient, the company collected medical data on more than 1,000 confirmed COVID-19 patients as quickly as possible, which was then labeled by professional doctors -- defining normal elements and categorizing abnormal ones.
According to Zhang, earlier it used to take the machine an hour to categorize such a large volume of images for tailored searches and personalized recommendations for consumers.
Normally chips are largely classified into training-feeding algorithms to machines to recognize and categorize objects, and inference based on training, taking real-world data and quickly coming back with the correct answers, the source said.
Media publications and industry analysts often categorize Chinese cities into tiers, defining them based on population, gross domestic product and other criteria.
China has completed the work to categorize the debts raised by the so-called local government financing vehicles and has identified debts that need to be addressed.
Experts said that the recent moves to tighten regulation on certain private companies should not be interpreted as a signal that the government will categorize businesses by ownership and treat them differently.
Guangzhou in Guangdong province on Wednesday became the first tier-one city in China to ease its policy on residential property purchases and categorize households with mortgage records but no local home ownership as first-time homebuyers.
On our menu, we categorize products based on the type of tea, which is one of our ways to introduce Chinese tea culture," Shang said.
Labels then protrude from the apparatus allowing hospital workers to properly categorize each bag.