He is
farsighted, always thinking several steps ahead in his business ventures.
The old professor was known for his
farsightedness in selecting talented students.
A successful leader should possess the ability to be
farsighted and make long-term plans.
Farsighted parents invest in their children's education, knowing it will benefit them in the future.
The architect designed the building with a
farsighted approach, considering its environmental impact.
Farsighted governments prioritize renewable energy sources to combat climate change.
In politics, being
farsighted means anticipating and addressing potential problems before they escalate.
The city planner's
farsighted vision led to the development of efficient public transportation systems.
She impressed her colleagues with her
farsighted ideas on how to improve company efficiency.
farsightedness allowed him to spot opportunities in the tech industry before they became mainstream.
His vision is for continued growth in manufacturing quality and efficiency to help elevate China's position in global trade," Gibbs said, adding that such a farsighted goal will generate huge opportunities for the German company.
From car makers to internet companies, numerous bold and farsighted investors reaped in huge benefits.
He said it is "farsighted" for China to pay attention to the two issues, both of which are great concerns worldwide.
Yale Zhang, managing director of Shanghai-based consulting firm Automotive Foresight, said Volkswagen's two deals are a farsighted move in a go game.
Chen Qingtai, president of the industry's leading think tank China EV100, encouraged investors to be farsighted as the automobile industry is asset-heavy.
But compared to the United States and Europe, where 70 to 80 percent of cars are bought on credit, China's car financing market is in its infancy, leaving great potential for farsighted players to explore, such as Yixin Group, a leading Chinese online automobile transaction platform.
Maldivian President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih said that Jiang had promoted the rapid development of the Chinese economy and society, and strengthened China's role as an important contributor on the global stage, adding that Jiang will be remembered as a farsighted leader.