In linear algebra, a
matrix is a rectangular array of numbers, symbols, or expressions, arranged in rows and columns.
The determinant of a square
matrix is a value that can be calculated from the elements of a square
A diagonal
matrix has all its non-diagonal elements equal to zero.
The transpose of a
matrix is obtained by flipping the
matrix over its diagonal, which switches the row and column indices of the elements.
The identity
matrix is a square
matrix with ones on the main diagonal and zeros everywhere else.
Multiplying a
matrix by a scalar results in another
matrix with each element multiplied by that scalar.
Matrix addition is performed by adding corresponding elements of two matrices.
The inverse of a square
matrix, if it exists, is another
matrix that when multiplied with the original
matrix results in the identity
A system of linear equations can be represented as a
matrix equation.
In computer graphics, transformation matrices are used to manipulate 2D or 3D objects.
In the future, the board will collaborate with CITS Overseas to create a comprehensive new media matrix.
未来,董事会将与CITS Overseas合作,创建一个全面的新媒体矩阵。
Based on the results of independent, scientific and fair market research and laboratory tests, Panda Guide created a proprietary review matrix and standard system for agricultural products, which is able to rate premium agricultural products in a one to three-star score.
根据独立、科学、公平的市场调查和实验室测试结果,Panda Guide创建了一个专有的农产品审查矩阵和标准体系,能够将优质农产品评为一到三星级。
DCP indicated it will work closely with Datong's management team to create a new insurance ecosystem driven by product customization, demand matching, and a comprehensive service matrix to provide professional insurance services to Chinese consumers.
"We will continue to incubate a multi-brand matrix with a differentiated competitive edge to cover sports-loving consumers in different market segments and different fields," he added.
"With further complement to the flagship store on JD this year, Devialet has gradually improved and expanded its store matrix and sales channels in China, achieving more than double sales growth on both Tmall and JD in 2020.
Liang said future emphasis will be placed on promoting rural and countryside travel plans inside China, elevating services and content offerings, and building a content marketing matrix facilitating industrial players.
The US ITC has decided to launch section 337 investigation into certain active matrix OLED display devices and related components.
美国国际贸易委员会(US ITC)已决定启动针对某些主动矩阵OLED显示设备及其相关组件的第337节调查。
The complaint alleges violations of section 337 of the Tariff Act of 1930 in the importation into the United States and sale of certain active matrix OLED display devices and components thereof that infringe patents.
"However, just as Disney doesn't depend on a single IP, it requires a matrix of IPs for Pop Mart to nurture more sustainable growth for its brands," he said.
“然而,就像迪士尼不依赖单一IP一样,Pop Mart需要一个IP矩阵来为其品牌培育更可持续的增长,”他表示。
Industry big names such as ZhenFund and Matrix Partners China will come once every quarter to provide their professional advice, said Paul Stoffels, vice-chairman of the executive committee at Johnson & Johnson.