Mesmerism was a popular belief in the 18th and early 19th centuries, where people believed that certain individuals, known as mesmerists, could induce a trance-like state in others through eye contact or hand movements.
The mesmerist, with his mesmerizing gaze, seemed to have complete control over the audience during his demonstrations.
She recounted how she was subjected to
mesmerism sessions by her grandmother, who claimed to possess healing powers through this technique.
His fascination with
mesmerism led him to study the works of Franz Anton Mesmer himself, the founder of the practice.
The patient sat quietly under the mesmerist's influence, experiencing a deep sense of relaxation and heightened perception.
The term "
mesmerism" eventually evolved into "hypnotism," as scientists sought to understand the physiological basis behind the observed effects.
Many skeptics dismissed
mesmerism as mere stage magic, failing to grasp its potential for genuine therapeutic applications.
During the height of
mesmerism's popularity, salons and gatherings were often filled with eager participants seeking to experience the supposed wonders of the mind's altered state.
The debunking of
mesmerism as a genuine scientific phenomenon marked a turning point in the understanding of human consciousness and suggestion.
Despite its decline, the legacy of
mesmerism continues to influence modern-day practices like hypnotherapy and催眠治疗 (hypnosis-based therapies).