The melting of
permafrost in the Arctic is releasing large amounts of methane, a potent greenhouse gas.
Scientists are studying the effects of climate change on the stability of
permafrost in Siberia.
Permafrost covers nearly a quarter of the Northern Hemisphere's land area.
The thawing of
permafrost can cause significant changes in the landscape, including landslides and sinkholes.
Traditional houses in some Arctic communities are built on stilts to prevent damage from shifting
permafrost melts, it reveals ancient artifacts and preserved remains of Ice Age animals.
The occurrence of
permafrost is not limited to polar regions; high altitude areas like the Tibetan Plateau also have extensive
Permafrost acts as a natural preservative, keeping organic materials intact for thousands of years.
Researchers are concerned about the feedback loop where warming temperatures cause
permafrost to thaw, which releases more greenhouse gases, further accelerating global warming.
Infrastructure projects in
permafrost regions face unique challenges, requiring specialized engineering techniques to maintain stability in constantly changing ground conditions.
"The plateau faces multiple ecological challenges, including retreating glaciers, melting permafrost, and the impact of global warming, Shui said.
Resources development should be highly restricted in areas with permafrost.
To strengthen the ecological protection and restoration of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau as well as to improve the prevention and control of its ecological risks, he added that the relevant draft law has called for intensified monitoring, early warning and systematic protection of glaciers and permafrost in snowy mountains of the area.
The nation's northeastern provinces, where the winter permafrost is more than 1 meter deep, are home to about 10 million hectares of saline land.