Original: "The groundbreaking research by Smith on quantum physics revolutionized the field."
Plagiarized: "量子物理学领域的革新是由史密斯的开创性研究推动的。" (Smith's original work on quantum physics transformed the discipline.
Original: "Jane Doe's essay on climate change highlighted the urgency of immediate action."
Plagiarized: "简·杜的关于气候变化的文章强调了立即采取行动的紧迫性。" (Jane Doe's essay on climate change stressed the need for prompt action.
Original: "In his novel, the author depicted a dystopian society with vivid detail."
Plagiarized: "作者在小说中生动描绘了一个反乌托邦社会。" (The author portrayed a dystopian world in great detail in their novel.
Original: "Einstein's theory of relativity is considered one of the most influential scientific theories of the 20th century."
Plagiarized: "爱因斯坦的相对论被认为是20世纪最具影响力的科学理论之一。" (Einstein's theory of relativity is regarded as a significant scientific contribution of the 20th century.
Original: "The artist's abstract paintings challenged traditional notions of representational art."
Plagiarized: "这位艺术家的抽象画作质疑了传统具象艺术的概念。" (Abstract paintings by the artist challenged the conventional understanding of representational art.
Original: "Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection is widely accepted among scientists."
Plagiarized: "达尔文的自然选择进化论在科学家群体中被广泛接受。" (Natural selection theory by Darwin is universally acknowledged by scientists.
Original: "The chef's culinary skills were showcased in the Michelin-starred restaurant."
Plagiarized: "这位厨师的烹饪才华在米其林星级餐厅中得以展现。" (The chef's culinary prowess was demonstrated at the Michelin-starred eatery.
Original: "Marie Curie's pioneering work in radioactivity earned her two Nobel Prizes."
Plagiarized: "玛丽·居里在放射性的开创性研究使她获得了两次诺贝尔奖。" (Marie Curie's pioneering research on radioactivity led to her winning two Nobel Prizes.
Original: "The philosopher's ethical framework underpins many contemporary debates on morality."
Plagiarized: "这位哲学家的伦理体系支撑了许多当代关于道德的讨论。" (The philosopher's ethical system forms the foundation of numerous modern moral discussions.
Original: "Galileo's discoveries in astronomy laid the groundwork for the Scientific Revolution."
Plagiarized: "伽利略在天文学上的发现为科学革命奠定了基础。" (Galileo's astronomical findings served as a precursor to the Scientific Revolution.
To plagiarize means to take the writings of another person and to use them as your own.
This has led some of them to falsify research results and plagiarize the work of others.
Liu said harsher punishment will be a bigger deterrent for those who might be tempted to plagiarize others' works, making it a stronger legal tool to fight piracy.