The Spark is a
We discovered a new
The Earth is the third
planet from the sun.
Mars, known as the Red Planet, has fascinated astronomers for centuries.
Venus is often referred to as the Morning Star or the Evening Star.
Jupiter, with its massive size, is the largest
planet in our solar system.
Saturn is easily recognizable due to its prominent ring system.
Uranus is an ice giant, distinguished by its blue color.
Neptune's deep blue atmosphere is primarily composed of hydrogen and helium.
Pluto, though no longer considered a
planet, remains a fascinating dwarf
planets that orbit stars other than our sun, are a focus of current space exploration.
Many scientists believe that there could be life on
planets with conditions similar to Earth's.
Let's build a digital future that advances progress for people and the planet.
"Meanwhile, with China's modernization, more people and organizations are thinking about their health and the health of the planet.
Launched in 2021, PepsiCo Positive is a strategic end-to-end transformation with sustainability at the center of how the company will create growth and value by operating within planetary boundaries and inspiring positive change for the planet and its people.
"While prioritizing consumer demand, Unilever carries out a 'Happy Planet' mission to reduce the environmental impacts associated with producing ice cream," Close said.
Apple Inc is stepping up to raise awareness of leveraging technologies for environmental protection through a string of "Today at Apple" lessons, which are designed to encourage more people to protect the environment and biodiversity and speak up for the planet.
In addition, Panasonic has produced lithium batteries for new energy vehicles in collaboration with Prime Planet Energy Dalian Co Ltd, a joint venture between Panasonic and automaker Toyota Motor Corp.
此外,松下还与松下与丰田汽车公司合资成立的Prime Planet energy大连有限公司合作生产新能源汽车用锂电池。
Love home and planet, the laundry detergent brand which made its China market debut at the first CIIE, started localized production in 2020.
"We will continue to drive high speed and sustainable growth by creating a future where people and the planet will thrive.
Apple Inc is stepping up to raise awareness of leveraging technologies for environmental protection through a string of "Today at Apple" lessons, which are designed to encourage more people to protect environment and biodiversity and speak up for the planet.
As per Forbes' 36th annual ranking of the planet's richest people, there are 2,668 billionaires in the world, 87 fewer than a year ago.
Lufthansa has also recently announced that it is partner and pilot customer of the world's first production plant for power-to-liquid aviation fuels in Germany, which is more cost-effective while protecting the planet.
"We hope to try out some creative ideas on store sustainability here in Shanghai, experience new lifestyles with customers, make joint creations with like-minded teams to inspire more people and create a better planet for our next generation," said Leo Tsoi, executive vice-president and chief executive officer of Starbucks China.
We have a long-term perspective and the financial strength to invest in activities and support our suppliers to have a positive impact on people and the planet.
"For the benefit of humanity and our planet, we continually imbed social responsibility into the foundation of our business, and sustainable development into the DNA of Mengniu.
According to the International Energy Agency, for the planet to achieve carbon neutrality by 2070, CCUS technologies alone will need to make up approximately 19 percent of global CO2 reductions, with other clean energy technologies comprising the rest.
It has invited customers to take actions that are good for the planet, part of the chain's efforts to become a resource-positive company.
"Starbucks' new sustainable packaging solutions make it easier for our partners (employees) and customers to make small contributions towards a better planet in their daily lives," said Leo Tsoi, senior vice president, chief operating officer and president of Starbucks China Retail.
“星巴克的新可持续包装解决方案让我们的伙伴(员工)和顾客在日常生活中更轻松地为保护地球作出小小的贡献,”星巴克中国零售业务资深副总裁、首席运营官兼总裁Leo Tsoi表示。
The introduction of the latest sustainable packaging solutions comes a year after Starbucks first launched its 'GOOD GOOD' movement, inspiring Chinese customers to explore new lifestyles that are good for the planet, starting with the market-wide offering of a plant-based food and beverage menu in partnership with plant-based brands Beyond Meat Inc and Oatly.
这一最新可持续包装解决方案的推出,正值星巴克去年启动“GOOD GOOD”行动一周年之际。该行动旨在启发中国消费者探索对地球有益的新生活方式,从与Beyond Meat Inc和Oatly等植物基品牌合作,在全国范围内提供植物性食品和饮料菜单开始。
We are turning our yellow group into a green company and making an important contribution to our planet and society," the company added.
The company made progress on sectors centered around the health of people and the planet, with a particular focus on climate protection, which are to help it meet its ambitious sustainability goals for 2030.
"We are determined to make 2021 a year where we all come together to do more for our communities, equality and the planet," Pritchard said.
"That's why we are expanding our brand's purpose of 'Change Destiny' from skin and life to include the planet," said Seth.
"We have always been inspired by people to improve lives with technology," said David Wallerstein, chief exploration officer of Tencent, at the summit, adding "the future of the planet in a broader sense helps us as a company think more about how we can apply new technologies to address the great challenges around us.
“我们一直受到人们的启发,用科技来改善生活,”腾讯首席探索官David Wallerstein在峰会上表示,“从更广泛的角度来看,对地球未来的关注促使我们作为一家公司更多地思考如何应用新技术来应对我们周围的重大挑战。”
More than 400 products of Unilever's 20 best-selling brands are displayed at this year's show, including the well-established personal care brand Dove and US sustainable personal care brand Love Beauty and Planet.
今年的展会展示了联合利华20个畅销品牌中的400多种产品,包括知名个人护理品牌Dove和美国可持续个人护理品牌Love Beauty and Planet。
Tim Cook, Apple's CEO, said "The innovations powering our environmental journey are not only good for the planet — they've helped us make our products more energy efficient and bring new sources of clean energy online around the world.
"As our planet grapples with a global pandemic, we need now more than ever to partner in the field of nutrition.
"From the survey we see the younger generation of Chinese are happy to use novel ways to live up to the sustainability concept and protect the planet," said Cai Yanqing, founder of BottleDream.
Tensie Whelan, founding director of the New York University Stern Center for Sustainable Business, said sustainable businesses are redefining the corporate ecosystem by designing models that create value for all stakeholders, including employees, shareholders, supply chains, civil society and the planet.
Starbucks joined hands with plant-based innovators Beyond Meat, Inc and Oatly to launch new plant-based choices in its stores in China on Tuesday, in an effort to attract consumers interested in new lifestyles that are good for the planet.
"We want to be a 'disrupter' in the VAT tax refund sector," said Jumabhoy, a veteran with over 25 years' experience in the sector and a major player in Global Blue and Planet, two dominant companies in the field.
Planet Green, one of the most famous vegan restaurants in Shenzhen, targets flexitarians, or persons who are primarily vegetarian but occasionally eat meat or fish, instead of traditional vegetarians who account for only 30 percent of the total customers.
The fashion house's withdrawal from Russell Street, the most expensive shopping street on the planet outshining Fifth Avenue of New York City or Champs-Elysees of Paris, is an example of challenges the city's retailers are facing even as they desperately seek a solution.
In its relatively brief history, big tech has given people ready access to a global store of information and made it easier to buy, sell and connect with friends, colleagues and counterparts across the planet.
I truly believe that our employees take great pride in knowing that they work for a company that has a higher purpose, which is to build a planet in which everyone has access to safe and clean drinking water.
Our goal both here in China and around the world is to safely feed the world and take care of the planet.
"This fair is an important platform to promote goods and products from different countries of the planet and to enhance a synergy as a means to connect the real economy," said Colakoglu.
While he has financially supported cancer research and scholarships for immigrants, among other causes, Bezos has primarily devoted his fortune to his Blue Origin rocket company, which he described Thursday as an "investment in the future of our planet through the development of foundational space infrastructure.
We are committed to three dimensions – people, planet and profit simultaneously.
Internally, as a company that is committed at the same time to "people, planet, and profit", we strive to create a sustainable value for all stakeholders from strategic business planning to day-to-day operations.
"We're thrilled so many of our suppliers are participating in the fund and hope this model can be replicated globally to help businesses of all sizes make a significant positive impact on our planet," said Lisa Jackson, Apple's vice-president of environment, policy and social initiatives.
"We're thrilled so many of our suppliers are participating in the fund and hope this model can be replicated globally to help businesses of all sizes make a significant positive impact on our planet," said Lisa Jackson, Apple's vice president of Environment, Policy and Social Initiatives.
Britons realized the huge scale of the UK's waste plastic exports through media reports after China stopped importing the material, just as people also learned about the impact of plastic pollution on the world's oceans through the BBC documentary Blue Planet II.
Britons realized the huge scale of the UK’s waste plastic exports through media reports after China stopped importing the material, just as people also learned about the impact of plastic pollution on the world’s oceans through the BBC documentary Blue Planet II.
Chang joined a chorus of cheers on undertakings to create a level playing field for foreign investors, who have long been beset with ownership caps that essentially made them marginal players in one of the fastest-expanding financial systems on the planet.
The deal comes in the wake of last year's successful co-production of the documentary Blue Planet II, which garnered a record-breaking 220 million views.
"Still Testing" carried a Dove Pioneer Earth-imaging satellite for launch customer Planet, as well as two Lemur-2 satellites for weather and ship tracking company Spire.
"Through our World Without Waste vision, we are investing in our planet and our packaging to help make this problem a thing of the past.
At Covestro, we believe sustainability is essential to preserve our planet, and improve the quality of life for millions.
Johnson & Johnson is convinced a vibrant, innovative China has the opportunity to lead the planet to a healthier future by capitalizing on the health and technology revolution.
We call on everyone to act together to work toward a 'zero pollution planet'.
Enterprising individuals from across the globe seek to maximize potential of the country's pro-entrepreneurship policyEditor's Note: Talented expatriates with entrepreneurial aspirations probably never had it so good anywhere on this planet.
The surge in smartphone usage is turning the country into the biggest telematics market on the planet, with companies looking to get a piece of the riches on offer.
"The ‘Blueair Zone' program is part of the hotel's vision for Planet 21, AccorHotels' global sustainable development program, which is to drive a positive change toward an innovative hospitality experience," said Foued El Mabrouk, vice-president of Operations, Luxury and Upscale, AccorHotels Greater China.
The hotel group launched a five-year Planet 21 program in 2011, a mature and multi-faceted program with specific objectives, actions and measurements to continuously achieve higher levels of sustainable performance.
In 2013, the company initiated a "Plant for the Planet" program.
"Sergio Cabrera, the Colombian ambassador to China, said what China is doing in Qinghai is very important for the planet.
"Because China is a very large country, if it manages to contribute to sustainability and the decarbonization of the planet, the results are going to be very important for the whole world.
Organizations create ESG strategies to help them act on and measure what is mutually good for profits, people, and the planet.
Promote better use of the planet's resources by key industries, such as integrated circuits, new energies and biomedicine, and strive to support businesses in coordination and cooperation between the upstream and downstream parts of an industrial chain, in a joint endeavour to ensure sustainable supply in key areas.6.
Globally, cost-effectiveness surpassed caring for the planet and emerged as the factor with the biggest consumer consideration.
In other words, one-third of all pairs of socks worn on this planet sport the "Made in Datang" tag, and the town has long been known as the "Sock Capital of the World".
"Multilateralism must chiefly be focused on those major issues that cannot be dealt with in isolation," he said, referring to "issues such as the planet, pandemics, or extreme poverty.
Food prices have risen an estimated 37 percent year-on-year, according to the World Bank, leaving the planet on the precipice of a nutrition and food security crisis.
"I hope that as engineers, we ask ourselves how we can become change agents for good, and how to use a wider optic, approach challenges and work toward the betterment of all who share the planet," he said.
In 2019, China organized an informal WTO ministerial meeting in Shanghai that pushed plurilateral negotiations to a new level, Rockwell said, adding that China also took the lead with Fiji on an initiative against plastics pollution, which is crucial to the planet.
The agreement covers 3.5 billion people, or 47.4 percent of the planet's population.
Bob Moritz, global chairman of market consultancy PwC, said that the process of decarbonization should be carried out five times faster to mitigate the risks and curb the implications relevant to the planet.
Now it has 800,000 industrial robots -- practically one in the three of all the robots on the planet.
It has made it possible to boost the energy supply by lowering our carbon footprint on the planet and has provided opportunities for Argentine people, especially nearby communities," Delgado said.
"After all, we are living in the same planet with a shared future. "
Ahead of the Lunar New Year holiday that normally sparks the biggest mass movement of people on the planet, Chinese authorities advised migrant workers and residents to stay put, pledged to guarantee sufficient supplies of daily necessities and asked e-commerce platforms and logistics companies to ensure normal operations during the period.
Ahead of the Lunar New Year holiday that normally sparks the biggest mass movement of humans on the planet, Chinese authorities advised migrant workers and residents to stay put, pledged to guarantee sufficient supplies of daily necessities and asked e-commerce platforms and logistics companies to ensure normal operation during the period.
The planet belongs to all of us," he said.
"How do we grow food in a way that protects the planet and doesn't add to the climate change (crisis)?
"Agricultural exchanges between the two countries and the resulting progress in these areas can help set a path for other countries to follow, which could benefit the whole planet, he said.
One of the most popular ventures is Ice Planet, a 200-square-meter ice rink that is particularly popular with children.
Cai Zheng, an associate professor from the Department of Astronomy at Tsinghua University in Beijing, said, "AI has been deeply applied into various fields of astronomy, including cosmology, exoplanets, and planet formation, both at home and abroad.
Official data showed Tuesday that China's online retail sales expanded 4 percent year-on-year in 2022 to nearly 13.8 trillion yuan ($2 trillion) -- consolidating its status as the top online retail market on the planet.
With 70 percent of emissions coming from cities, they will determine whether we realize a low-carbon future, and mend our relationship with the planet," said Beate Trankmann, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Resident Representative in China.
With just one click on the computer, underground coal shearers, conveyors, and equipment alike are immediately plugged in, and their real-time images and data flicker across the screen, pumping the hidden "black gold" up to the planet's surface.
Promising to prepare more than 110 million Chinese gamers to address critical climate challenges within the next 12 months, TiMi Studios, a collection of video game developers under IT giant Tencent, announced earlier this month that it has become the latest member of the United Nations-backed "Playing for the Planet Alliance".
"Playing for the Planet Alliance "was created to support the gaming industry to reduce its carbon emissions as well as to use their influence, reach and creativity to address some of the world's biggest environmental challenges and to inspire and activate gamers to take action for the environment, Susan Gardner, director of the Ecosystems Division of UNEP, told Xinhua in an email interview.
“‘Playing for the Planet Alliance’的创立是为了支持游戏行业减少碳排放,并利用其影响力、覆盖范围和创造力来应对世界上一些最大的环境挑战,以及激励和动员游戏玩家为环境采取行动。”联合国环境规划署生态系统司司长苏珊·加德纳在接受新华社电子邮件采访时说。
"It is a wonderful idea and very plausible to insert environment-related content into video games and I personally look forward to seeing it happen," said Zhang Hongfa, regarding the "Playing for the Planet" initiative.
As more people become aware of the challenges facing the planet, more actions are likely to be taken, said Zhang.
The USGBC report said that from now to 2030, green-minded younger consumers, who feel they have a responsibility for the planet's future, are expected to emerge as the backbone of China's consumer market as well as labor market.
The first half of the year saw many airlines record losses as the COVID-19 pandemic gripped most of the planet, forcing authorities around the world to close borders and limit the movements of people to curb the spread of the virus.
Feng told the story of the first Chinese mountain climbers to reach the planet's highest summit six decades ago and the recent remeasuring of its height by Chinese surveyors and mountaineers.
"As President Xi Jinping said during the military parade to mark the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Liberation Army Navy, 'The blue planet humans inhabit is not divided into islands by the oceans, but is connected by the oceans to form a community with a shared future'.
"To offer the audience immersive experiences, the new drama has used a wide range of world-leading technologies, including motion capture, face capture and unreal engine real-time rendering, which are commonly used in movies like 'The Jungle Book' and 'Rise of the Planet of the Apes.
In an exclusive interview with China Daily, Lao talked about the leading roles of luxury players in the hospitality industry and how it is possible to indulge in luxury without harming the planet.
Country looks inward for high-tech materialsChina is sitting atop the biggest trove of strategic rare earth elements on the planet - 40 million metric tons, more than a third of the estimated global total.
Rare earth metals are distributed throughout the planet's crust, so they are technically not so much rare as they are difficult to find in concentrated amounts.
China is sitting atop the biggest trove of strategic rare earth elements on the planet — 40 million metric tons, more than a third of the estimated global total.
"The issue of plastic waste has been the front and center of many people's minds in Britain, thanks to the problem of plastic pollution in the world's oceans being highlighted in the popular BBC documentary series The Blue Planet, and following extensive coverage of China's ban on waste imports.
In fact, this is a widely accepted practice in the industry that can be traced back to Western court rulings, such as TCL vs Ericsson in the United States and Unwired Planet vs Huawei in the United Kingdom.
This immersive experience is open to anyone who can visit the online Planet Zhangjiajie, a metaverse project that enables a lifelike exploration of the scenic sights in Central China's Hunan province by way of extended reality technologies.
New technologies have the power to disrupt industries, grow economies, improve lives and safeguard the planet – if designed, scaled and deployed responsibly, said Jeremy Jurgens, managing director of the World Economic Forum.
Founded in 1995 as a rechargeable battery manufacturer competing in the Chinese market against foreign brands, BYD — short for Build Your Dreams — has grown rapidly in development and production to become the top electric vehicle producer on the planet.
The EV market, in China especially, is set to become the most competitive market on the planet in the near future, and if BMW doesn't speed up its electrification efforts, many electric vehicle customers may miss out on sheer driving pleasure.
By 2030 when internal combustion engine bans in major markets come into effect, more than 2 billion conventionally powered vehicles will exist on the planet, said Lunaz.