I need to prioritize my tasks for the day, starting with the most urgent ones.
In an emergency, it's crucial to prioritize saving lives over material possessions.
As a student, you should prioritize studying for exams over socializing.
The company needs to prioritize employee training to improve productivity.
In a busy schedule, self-care should always be a top priority.
Health should never be compromised; it should always come first in your priorities.
When managing resources, it's essential to prioritize based on their scarcity.
Environmental conservation must be
prioritized by governments worldwide.
In a crisis situation, communication and coordination should be
prioritized to avoid confusion.
Team building activities are important, but they shouldn't take precedence over meeting project deadlines.
China is poised for a diversified technology development, and it's crucial for the government to sustain their support for innovation, prioritize the protection of intellectual property, and ensure a fair business environment.
More and more, young Chinese travelers prioritize privacy and independent lifestyles during their trips, said Qian.
The Lego Group, one of the world's best-known toymakers, is expanding its presence in emerging cities in Northwest China by opening more stores that prioritize immersive play experiences for kids, which is expected to drive further growth while enhancing digital efforts to better connect with its increasing member base in the country.
Enterprises should unswervingly stick to the road of sustainable development with ecological concerns being prioritized.
"It is now the peak season for drying chrysanthemums, and power safety must be prioritized in drying rooms," he told growers.
As China continues to invest more in Southeast Asian nations, the company said it will prioritize development in the region and further expand in the Middle East and Latin America.
Ikea has prioritized its commitment to build a circular supply chain by 2030, including the use of recycled or recyclable materials in product development.
"Currently, we prioritize high-quality service in the overall strategy, as our business philosophy is clear — having a clear understanding of future development and changes, and responding to the changes in customers' needs.
So, the companies concerned in the two countries should leverage their respective strengths and prioritize patients' well-being, she said.
Enterprises should prioritize resource coordination, regional collaboration and innovative development paths for further growth, said Eric Chen, partner of supply chain and operations of EY China, at the China International Supply Chain Expo that opened on Tuesday in Beijing.
安永中国供应链与运营合伙人Eric Chen在周二于北京开幕的中国国际供应链博览会上表示,企业应优先考虑资源协调、区域合作和创新发展路径,以实现进一步增长。