
词根词缀记忆/谐音联想记忆 补充/纠错
词根刷抖音(TikTok)把她逗笑(tickle …………
词性拓展记忆 / 词形拓展记忆
tick off 列举 在…上打钩 怒斥
in a tick 一会儿 转眼间
tick all the boxes投其所好
what makes sb tick使某人这样做的原因
tick away发出嘀嗒声 时间一分一秒地过去 时间流逝
tick over(引擎)空转 慢吞吞地工作 进展缓慢
tick and cross勾和叉
on tick赊账 挂账
tick off 使……生气
tick away 滴答滴答地走
tick by 滴答滴答地
tick all the right boxes 勾选所有正确的框
tick tock 滴答声,滴答声
make ... tick 使…打勾
tick sb. off 把某人打掉
tick box 勾选框
what makes sb. tick 是什么使某人激动
tick all the boxes 勾选所有的方框
tick over 越过,越过
ticking off 滴答声,滴答声
as full as a tick 像一个刻度一样满
as tight as a tick 紧得像扁虱
full as a tick 满满的
The waiter asked me to tick off what I want to order.
You cannot buy the goods on tick.
The room is so quiet that I can hear the clock ticking.
The tick is a small blood-sucking insect that can transmit diseases to humans and animals.
I felt a tickle on my neck and discovered a tick attached to my skin.
In rural areas, it's essential to wear long sleeves and pants to prevent tick bites.
After hiking in the woods, remember to check yourself for ticks thoroughly.
Lyme disease is caused by a bacterium transmitted through the bite of an infected tick.
Ticks are most active during the warm months of spring and summer.
Remove a tick with tweezers, pulling it straight out without twisting or squeezing.
Pets, especially dogs, can also be affected by ticks and should be regularly checked and treated.
Tick prevention products like flea and tick collars or topical treatments can be effective.
If you develop a rash or fever after a tick bite, seek medical attention immediately.
"China is the third-largest pet-owning country in the world, and China's pet industry is growing rapidly," said Christoph Vetten, head of Bayer Animal Health Greater China, during the launch of its flea and tick collar product Seresto in Beijing in March.
They are a set of people who tick certain boxes.
With the clock ticking, Shang had to drop off the package by 3 pm.
In their blues, they try to create a sentiment of gloom and doom about the Chinese economy and send it down across the wider global market, with such depressing lyrics as "systemic crisis," a "ticking time bomb," or even a "deflationary trap.
Data released by the National Bureau of Statistics on Monday showed the latest official snapshot of the pressures facing the economy, with the official purchasing managers' index for China's manufacturing sector remaining in the contraction zone for the fourth consecutive month, albeit ticking up to 49.3 in July from 49 in June.
Data released by the National Bureau of Statistics at the end of June showed the latest official snapshot of the pressures facing the economy, with the official PMI for China's manufacturing sector remaining in the contraction zone for the third consecutive month amid still-weak demand, albeit ticking up to 49 in June from 48.8 in May.
Data released by the National Bureau of Statistics last week shows the pressures facing the economy, with the official PMI for China's manufacturing sector remaining in the contraction zone for the third consecutive month after ticking up to 49 in June from 48.8 in May.
The consumer price index, which gauges consumer inflation, is likely to tick up this year as demand further stabilizes, especially for nonfood goods and services, but in a softer manner than factory-gate prices due to the high base of pork prices, experts said.
"We expect the official manufacturing PMI to tick up further and the nonmanufacturing PMI to remain above 51.0, despite a high base," Lu added.
The association forecasts that the aggregate output of 10 major types of non-ferrous metals will tick up 2 percent year-on-year in the January-June period to top 33 million tons, expanding from the 0.9-percent growth in the first three months.

四级It seems to me that a compromise would be receiving the exam questions a day or two in advance, and then doing the actual test in class with the ticking clock overhead.


2017年12月四级真题(第一套)阅读 Section B

四级Often, older parents hear the ticking of another kind of biological clock.



四级It seems to me that a compromise would be receiving the exam questions a day or two in advance, and then doing the actual test in class the ticking clock overhead.


