The tundra is a vast, treeless region found in the high latitudes of the Earth, characterized by its cold climate and short growing season.
In the Arctic tundra, animals like the caribou and the musk oxen roam freely across the frozen landscape.
The permafrost, a layer of permanently frozen ground, is a distinctive feature of the tundra ecosystem.
Many plants in the tundra have developed unique adaptations, such as low-growing shrubs that can withstand freezing temperatures.
During summer months, the tundra comes alive with a burst of wildflowers, painting the landscape with vibrant colors.
Due to climate change, the Arctic tundra is experiencing rapid melting, which affects the delicate balance of its flora and fauna.
Traditional indigenous communities, such as the Inuit, have relied on the tundra for thousands of years for hunting and gathering resources.
Tundra ecosystems are known for their low biodiversity, with species adapted to harsh conditions and long winters.
Scientists conduct research in the remote tundra regions to study the impact of environmental changes on global ecosystems.
Conservation efforts are crucial in preserving the fragile tundra ecosystems, which serve as a vital carbon sink and habitat for numerous species.
Combustible ice, a particular kind of natural gas hydrate usually existing in seabed or tundra areas, is formed under strong pressure and low temperatures.
The book introduces readers to 100 different kinds of authentic regional street food by presenting small plates from the balmy rice paddies of Yunnan and spicy flavors of Sichuan to the frozen tundra of Harbin and the imperial majesty of Beijing.