【例句】There's an angler fish at the bottom of the ocean that has a rod sticking up from the top of its head with a lure to capture other fish. 在海底中生活着一种琵琶鱼,它的头顶有一根突出的杆,带有用来捕获其他鱼类的诱饵。 An expert angler was casting his line and catching a fish every time. 一名垂钓高手每次抛出鱼线都能钓到一条鱼。
【例句】Our journey takes us to picturesque Berber villages and lovely beaches. 在旅程中,我们去了风景如画的柏柏尔村庄和可爱的海滩。 They may be picturesque, even poetical; or they may be pedestrian, even trivial. 它们也许如画一般,甚至富有诗意;或者它们可能平庸,甚至微不足道。 Aside from the picturesque scenery of Sichuan province, the dishes there is also an attraction to tourists. 除了四川如画的风景以外,川菜对游客也很有吸引力。
【例句】Public debate is also constrained by the growing personality cult that Sheikh Hasina is building around Sheikh Mujib, "the greatest Bengali of the millennium". 公众讨论的话题也被限制在逐渐膨胀的个人崇拜主义之中,谢赫·哈希纳把她父亲塑造成“千年以来最伟大的孟加拉人”。
【例句】It’s not that different from the logic of a cult. 这和邪教的逻辑没什么不同。 “I have no desire to spend my life worrying about cults, groups or movements,” he added. “我不想一辈子担心邪教、组织或运动,”他补充道。 The organization, formerly known as the United Nation of Islam and the Value Creators, was labeled a cult by a federal judge in the District of Kansas in 2018. 该组织的前身是伊斯兰和价值创造者联合组织,2018年被堪萨斯地区的一名联邦法官定性为邪教。
【例句】Stress may act as a trigger for these illnesses. 压力也许是引发这些疾病的一个原因。 The treatment of migrants at the processing centre in Kent has triggered a wave of campaigns and concern from health professionals and campaigners. 肯特处理中心对移民的对待引发了一系列运动,并引起了卫生专业人士和社会活动者的关注。 Heavy rains have triggered several devastating floods throughout the country this year, weakening infrastructure and displacing thousands of people. 今年,暴雨在全国引发了几次特大洪灾,这削弱了基础设施,使成千上万的人流离失所。
【例句】As Millennial women come of age they share many of the same views and values about work as their male counterparts. 千禧一代女性步入成年后,她们对工作的看法和价值观与男性同龄人有许多相同之处。 Today an even younger generation has come of age. 今天,更年轻的一代已经成熟。
【例句】Though I desperately wanted to lay blame elsewhere, I finally had to admit that my bad habits had less to do with new-age technology and more to do with old-fashioned procrastination. 尽管我非常希望把这归罪于其他原因,但我最终还是不得不承认,我的坏习惯与新时代的技术没有太大关系,而是更多归因于拖延的老毛病。
【例句】The church Windows shatter. 教堂的窗户粉碎了。 A failure would shatter the hopes of many people. 一次失败会粉碎很多人的希望。
【例句】The dense foliage overhead almost blocked out the sun. 头顶上方浓密的枝叶几乎遮住了阳光。
【例句】Our abstracts derive all originally from the concrete. 我们常用的抽象概念初始均来自具体事物。
【例句】The tattooed man leans toward me ominously. 纹身男不怀好意的朝我靠了过来。
【例句】The manager scratched out my name from the list. 经理从名单上勾掉了我的名字。 We decided to start from scratch and think for a change. 我们决定从头开始,考虑改变一下。
【例句】All men have their respective duties in the company. 每个人在公司里都有各自的职责。
【例句】Then the physicians must ensure that less than three hours have elapsed since the stroke’s onset. Otherwise the risk of bleeding into the brain is too great. 然后,医生必须确定中风发作的时间没有超过3小时,否则,脑溢血的风险会非常高。 Twelve years had elapsed in a flash. The way he frowned was still strongly reminiscent of his father. 一晃就是十二年过去了。他皱眉的样子依然很容易让人想起他的父亲。 The charm of adventure sweetens that sensation, the glow of pride warms it; but then the throb of fear disturbs it; and fear with me became predominant when half-an-hour elapsed and still I was alone. 冒险的魅力使这种感觉甜美,自豪的光芒使它温暖;但是随后恐惧的悸动扰乱了它;半小时过去了,我仍然独自一人,恐惧占据了我的主导地位。
【例句】The next morning,when I turned my computer back on, it informed me that a file had been corrupted and Windows would not load. 第二天清晨,当我重新打开电脑时,它提醒我文件已被损坏,Windows系统无法加载。
【例句】Non-profits rarely complain about venture philanthropists, but that may be because they are reluctant to criticise their benefactors. 非营利机构很少抱怨风险慈善家,但是,那或许是因为它们不愿批评自己的捐赠人。
【例句】Some people are stoical and others are demonstrative, but the feeling will be there. 有的深藏不露,有的喜形于外,但感情总在那儿。 I have foun that you can be as stoical as any one, when you please. 我发现, 当你愿意的时候,你能够和任何人一样地冷静泰然。 He had been stoical at their parting. 他们分手时他表现得很坦然。 After all, between the combatants, there was only a difference of age; the race is the same; it is the same stoical men who died at the age of twenty for their ideas, at forty for their families. 总之,战士与战士之间只有年龄的差别,种族相同,同是一些百折不回的人,有的二十岁为理想而死,有的四十岁为家庭而亡。
【例句】Some of the compounds in the oil evaporate reduce their impact on the environment. 漏油中的一些化合物的蒸发能够降低它们对环境的影响。
【例句】A mix of sanction and curbs on international aid have caused a liquidity crisis. 对国际援助的一系列制裁和控制导致了一场流动性危机。
【例句】His handsome profile was turned away from us. 他英俊的侧面轮廓转离了我们。 This picture shows the girl in profile.这张照片从侧面显示该女孩。 Below you will find a profile of each program. 下面你会看到每个项目的简介。