
Act only according to that maxim by which you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law.
译文: 只按照那些你同时也能希望它们成为普遍法则的准则来行动。
Morality is not simply a matter of following rules, but rather an internal disposition towards acting in accordance with reason.
译文: 道德并非仅仅是遵循规则,而是一种基于理性内在倾向的行为方式。
The categorical imperative commands us to treat humanity, both as ends in themselves and never merely as means to an end.
译文: 普遍命令要求我们既要将人当作目的本身对待,又不能仅仅把人当作达到目的手段。
Reason alone cannot determine what is good or evil; we must also consider the nature and consequences of our actions.
译文: 理性本身无法决定什么是对或错;我们必须考虑我们的行为的本质及其结果。
Aesthetics reveals the unity of sensibility and understanding in the experience of beauty.
译文: 审美揭示了感性和理解在美感体验中的统一。
Our knowledge of the world is necessarily structured by the forms of intuition (space and time) and categories of thought (such as causality)."
译文: 我们对世界的认识必然受到直观形式(空间和时间)和思考范畴(如因果律)的结构影响。
The state exists to protect individual rights and promote the common good through the rule of law.
译文: 国家的存在是为了保护个人权利,并通过法治促进公共利益。
Education should aim to develop the faculties of reason and cultivate moral character.
译文: 教育的目标应是培养理性和道德品质。
Freedom is not just the absence of constraint, but the ability to act according to one's own rational will.
译文: 自由不仅仅是没有约束,而是能够根据自己的理性意志行事的能力。
The highest good is not something that can be experienced or possessed, but rather the moral perfection of individuals and society.
译文: 最高的善不是可以经历或拥有的东西,而是个人和社会的道德完善。

考研Such actions to seek knowledge and to understand what information we already knew were captured by the Latin phrase "sapere aude" or "dare to know", after Immanuel Kant used it in his essay An Answer to the Question: What is Enlightenment?

在伊曼纽尔·康德(Immanuel Kant)在其论文《什么是启蒙》中使用了拉丁语“sapere aude”或“敢于知道”之后,这种寻求知识和理解我们已经知道的信息的行为被捕捉到了?

2020年考研真题(英语一)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ
