In ancient times, people often bartered goods and services directly without using money.
The farmer bartered a dozen eggs for a bag of flour from the miller.
They agreed to barter their skills: she would knit him a sweater in exchange for him fixing her car.
The small village relied heavily on bartering among neighbors for their daily needs.
At the local market, artisans bartered their handmade crafts with farmers' fresh produce.
In times of economic crisis, bartering becomes a common practice as people try to conserve cash.
He proposed to barter his old camera for a set of vintage records he had been eyeing.
The two companies decided to barter office equipment for advertising services, benefiting both parties.
Bartering can be a great way to reduce waste by exchanging items you no longer need for something useful.
At the flea market, vendors often barter with customers, negotiating prices and sometimes even trading goods.
She peddled bicycle accessories using a carrying pole on the roadside," said Chen, 41. Business in Yiwu, which was once an impoverished county lacking significant natural resources or strategic advantages, originated with a barter system.
After completing 12 small-scale barter deals with four African countries since 2021, Hunan — backed by favorable policies of the China (Hunan) Pilot Free Trade Zone — has proposed a pilot plan for local currency settlement for trade with African countries in an effort to build the China-Africa cross-border renminbi settlement center in Central China.
Apart from trading in goods, newer forms of goods exchange have arisen from the second-hand market to meet people's diversified demands, including recycling, donations, borrowing and old-for-new barter.
"In some pastoral areas of Nagchu and Ngari prefecture, people still barter as a means of trade.
Hunan has completed 12 small-amount barter deals with four African countries since 2021.