In the event of a server failure, we use COALESCE to ensure that our database returns a default value rather than an error message.
The sales report returned an empty cell, but thanks to COALESCE, it displayed 'Not Available' instead.
COALESCE is a handy function in SQL that combines multiple possible values into one, returning the first non-null value.
She used COALESCE to combine her two conflicting opinions into a single coherent thought.
The script employs COALESCE to handle missing data in user inputs, ensuring a smoother user experience.
The web application's error handling mechanism relies on COALESCE to provide meaningful error messages when faced with unexpected input.
COALESCE is a lifesaver for data analysts as it allows them to handle null values gracefully in their queries.
In her database design, she strategically placed COALESCE functions to prevent data inconsistencies caused by missing values.
The SQL query utilized COALESCE to fetch the employee's name, falling back to 'Unknown' if the record was not found."
When merging two tables, the programmer utilized COALESCE to ensure that common fields had consistent data, even if one table was incomplete.
"The local engineering talent is going to coalesce in these centers and access cutting edge technologies that would push its competitiveness to global levels," he said.
She said sales promotion should only be valid if it manages to coalesce into effective brand-building that's going to exert a long-term business impact.
Former New York mayor Mike Bloomberg dropped out of the race Wednesday and endorsed Biden, suggesting that Democrats may coalesce around a more business-friendly candidate and reject the progressives led by Sanders, who calls himself a democratic socialist.