We embargo oil shipments to the US.
We have put an embargo on imports of clothing.
It would not even allow its naval vessels to enforce an arms embargo against Libya.
The country imposed an embargo on all imports of the controversial product.
Due to the embargo, the nation is struggling with severe fuel shortages.
The United Nations imposed a trade embargo on the rogue state to pressure it into disarmament.
The embargo has led to a significant rise in the price of basic commodities.
The embargo was lifted after the two countries reached a diplomatic agreement.
The embargo has severely impacted the economy of the island nation, which relies heavily on exports.
The government announced a temporary embargo on the export of medical equipment to ensure sufficient domestic supply.
The embargo on technology transfers has hindered the development of the country's tech industry.
Despite the embargo, some countries continue to smuggle goods into the sanctioned nation.
The embargo has sparked protests from citizens who are struggling to access essential goods.
According to official statistics, the Cuban government has projected a 4 percent economic growth for 2022 amid the intensification of the US trade embargo against the Caribbean nation.
"The US government embargo of high-tech products exports could cause more US companies to gradually lose the China market, the world's largest single market.
However, since Raycus has successfully produced fiber lasers with that much or more power, the embargo thus makes no sense, he said.
Still, given the economic sanctions imposed by some European countries and the US on Russia, the possibility of the US and European countries imposing an embargo on Russian chemical fertilizers in the future cannot be ruled out.