Tom's death will
rock the whole world.
Eric is good at
rock climbing.
We needed a bulldozer to dislodge the
I love listening to classic
rock while driving on the highway.
The new album from the Rolling Stones is a
rock masterpiece.
She has a powerful voice, perfect for
rock singing.
We're going to see a live
rock concert at the arena tonight.
His guitar solo in that song is simply epic, it
rocks!" (他在那首歌中的吉他独奏简直是史诗般的,太震撼了!
The kids were jumping around,
rocking out to their favorite band.
This new band has a fresh sound, they're really shaking up the
rock scene.
rock festival attracted music enthusiasts from all over the country.
He's such a
rock in our family, always there when we need him.
The climbers carefully made their way up the steep
rock face.
Consumers may have a Zumba dance class, experience rock climbing, and go-kart racing in the sports section.
In comparison with traditional tunnel-boring methods like rock drilling, blasting and hand mining in soil, the use of such equipment can minimize the impact on the surrounding ground and produce a smooth tunnel wall, helping certain tunnel projects run through unstable geological conditions.
"In response to the above problems, and with reference to previous construction experience, our engineers carry out targeted designs of the shield tunneling machine, including designs to improve the rigidity, strength and bearing capacity of the cutter seat to ensure the efficiency of hard rock breaking.
Shale oil is an unconventional product derived from oil shale rock fragments.
With a total length of 1,138 meters and a maximum buried depth of about 115 meters, the Foling Tunnel is located in complicated surrounding rock conditions in need of many additional safety guarantees and strict environmental protection requirements.
Viva China and private equity firm Lion Rock Capital invested in Clarks' parent company, acquiring a 51 percent stake in Clarks for 100 million pounds ($121.13 million), making it Clarks' largest shareholder, according to a previous announcement by the company.
根据Clarks之前的一份公告,Viva China和私募股权公司Lion Rock Capital投资了Clarks的母公司,以1亿英镑(1.2113亿美元)收购了Clarks 51%的股份,成为Clarks的最大股东。
It also acquired Red Rock Power Ltd, through which the Chinese group owned a 25 percent equity interest in Beatrice Offshore Wind Power Project in Scotland, which has an installed capacity of 588 megawatts and reached full commercial operation in July 2019.
它还通过收购Red Rock Power Ltd,持有Beatrice苏格兰海上风电项目25%的股权。该项目装机容量为588兆瓦,于2019年7月实现全面商业运营。
After reported meetings on Thursday with the People's Bank of China, the central bank, and the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission, Evergrande said on Friday it will strive to ensure stable operations across its group of companies and deal with debt risks, so as not to rock the property and financial markets.
在周四 reportedly 与中国人民银行(中央银行)和中国银行保险监督管理委员会会面后,周五,恒大表示将努力确保其企业集团的稳定运营,并处理债务风险,以免动摇房地产和金融市场。
Nescafe 1+2 has joined forces with the popular rock band Spring is Coming, paying tribute to the younger generation with live house performances and encouraging them to be bolder and pursue richer life experiences.
Nescafe 1+2 近期携手知名摇滚乐队“春日来临”,通过现场house演出,向年轻一代致敬,并激发他们更加勇敢地去追求丰富多彩的生活体验。
Bauxite is a rock which can be refined and is the main source in the world for aluminum.
Last year, it launched a mobile app called Taobao Tejia, or Taobao Discounts, which offers rock bottom bargain deals.
New Century Resources then hopes to use the profits generated to develop other hard rock areas of the site that have not yet been mined.
Rock rubbings, protection of wetlands along the Yellow River, participation in performing arts, craftwork, and opportunities to experience folk customs - these are some of the offerings coming the Chinese travelers' way, thanks to Qunar, an online travel firm.
The well looks to extract gas trapped in the volcanic stratum, a rock formed by hardened magma.
He loves modern urban culture, sways to rock 'n' roll music with a head band on, and is a diehard motorcycle racing aficionado, with a certificate from the Ducati Club, one of the world's best-known motorcycle sports fan clubs.
Sponsorship of a couple of rock 'n' roll nights held at the company's bar ensued.
About 500 analysts and institutional investors, including Black Rock, Temasek and Oppenheimer attended this year's Alibaba Investor Day, according to the report.
The country is sending an initial shipment consisting of several hundreds of kilos of live rock lobsters by airfreight on Saturday and the same would be delivered to consumers in Shanghai within 16 hours.
Themed “Creators in Progress”, the event will provide a timetable of activities for fans, including rock climbing, fitness classes, basketball matches as well as interactive experiences.
The technology, which enables gas exploration to penetrate the hard seabed to reach gas beneath scalding rock formations, has generated direct revenue of 21.6 billion yuan ($3.4 billion) and indirect revenue of 356.5 billion yuan in the past seven years since its application, while substantially improving efficiency and security, said Li Yanjun.
"Churchill went through a lot of ups and downs in his lifetime but never lost heart when he hit rock bottom.
Typically, such heat can be harnessed from hot water resources, shallow ground, underground hot rock and molten rock called magma.
"Such innovation within the fintech sector may rock the traditional market," said Chen Sheng, president of the China Real Estate Data Academy.
A visitor views a Buccellati rock crystal jewelry product at an exhibition in Florence, Italy.
Cheerleaders line the route of the Suja Rock 'n' Roll San Diego Marathon & Half Marathon in San Diego, California, June 1, 2014.
Headquartered in San Diego, CGI holds a rock 'n' roll marathon series in 30 cities that attracts over 600,000 athletes each year, alongside with some 20 other running races worldwide, according to the company.
"The ability to help globalize the successful rock 'n' roll marathon series brings about many opportunities to demonstrate our leadership in this industry," said Andrew Messick, Ironman's CEO.
Li Yu, an avid rock music enthusiast, purchased a ticket a month in advance for the Strawberry Music Festival scheduled in Fuliang County in Jingdezhen, a globally renowned hub for porcelain production in Jiangxi.
It also showed that a diverse range of sports and fitness activities are gaining popularity in Shenzhen, including physical training, ball sports, swimming, indoor rock climbing, boxing and indoor skiing.
Key exhibits include the first domestically produced large-diameter hard rock tunnel-boring machine functioning at high altitudes and in extremely cold environments by China Railway Group Ltd, and a high-speed maglev transportation system capable of traveling at 600 kilometers per hour, of which CRRC Corp Ltd holds full independent intellectual property rights.
Looking ahead, as pork prices have hit rock bottom and energy prices gradually normalize, supply and demand in the second quarter will strike a balance driven by the expansion of domestic demand.
Experts in the fields of Chinese characters and the arts from China and South Africa carried out exchanges and discussions on Chinese language, the commonalities between Chinese pictographs and South African rock paintings, the promotion and protection of contemporary languages and characters and the modernization of language.
Digging through the tunnel was faced with several challenges, including a maximum burial depth of 496.2 meters, fragmented rock formations, fault zones and other complex geological conditions.
To overcome these difficulties, the team established a geological alert system to strengthen rock monitoring and management.
All our experience was needed to prevent any potential risks like rock bursts or a collapse that would hamper progress," Wang said.
For instance, US-based pharmaceutical company Eli Lilly recently announced collaboration agreements with two of China's top diagnostic firms, Amoy Diagnostics Co Ltd in Xiamen, Fujian province, and Burning Rock Biotech Ltd in Guangzhou, Guangdong province.
Assuming no major disruptions rock the market order, the only way to ensure more enterprises participate in charity and public welfare, and form a virtuous circle, is to allow them and capital to develop healthily under the institutional framework of laws and regulations.
The Wuyi section, 51.87 km long, has 27 bridges planned in the project blueprint, which have a total length of 37.7 km and six tunnels totaling 6.4 km, including the Dangyang tunnel, a major challenge amid the whole construction process due to tunneling through hard rock.
The China Institute for Employment Research's index, which measures the degree of supply-demand tension in the labor market, hit rock bottom for the first time since the pandemic began in 2020 and came to 0.71 for new graduates in the first three months year-on-year.
Ningxia, located along the ancient Silk Road, encompasses a variety of tourism spots, including Shuidong gorge, the ancient rock paintings of Helan Mountain, the Ningxia Yellow River irrigation zone and the Western Xia imperial tombs.
In comparison with traditional tunnel boring methods like rock drilling, blasting and hand mining in soil, the use of such giant TBMs could minimize the impact on the surrounding ground and produce a smooth tunnel wall, helping certain tunnel projects run through unstable geological conditions.
By using a giant machine measuring 15.03 meters in diameter and 135 meters long and weighing 4,000 metric tons, the company said its excavation work has entered the critical period of the project, as it will dig toward the deepest point within the rock and soil parts underneath the Yangtze River.
Clean coal usually means capturing carbon emissions from burning coal and storing them in underground pockets of porous rock.
In the same year, he joined an outdoor club, and started to participate in various competitions such as rock climbing and tent pitching.
He said Yangshuo boasts not only scenic landscapes, but also abundant natural resources that can be developed into a diverse range of outdoor activities such as hiking, rock climbing, kayaking and spelunking, thus attracting adventurers from home and abroad.
In early 2011, Zhao took the entrepreneurial leap and invested 70,000 yuan along with his partner into opening an outdoor club, leading organized hiking and rock climbing activities, as well as designing and organizing corporate team-building services.
"Our trade-to-trade relationship is rock solid and always has been," Roberts said.
The heat can be harnessed from natural hot water sources, underground rock heated by the Earth and molten rock called magma.
For example, the exploration breakthrough this year of offshore shale oil, the unconventional product derived from shale rock fragments, represents a major technological milestone, he said.
Outdoor adventure activities, such as off-road motorcycling, rock climbing and caving, are gaining increasing popularity among Chinese consumers, and a burgeoning market in China has formed around these activities.
Among those surveyed, people who took part in rock climbing or mountaineering accounted for 40.75 percent, and about 10.83 percent rode mountain bikes.
Yang Yi, a freelance film producer, just started rock climbing three months ago.
She said rock climbing helps her focus on the moment and get rid of pressure and anxiety.
Recently I've been invited to outdoor rock climbing, but I just watched and learned because I'm not skilled enough and I have safety concerns.
"In addition, the tunnel will go through four near-surface rock layers — with its top only 8 meters to 12 meters below the surface ground — where the surrounding rock is fragile, leaving us tons of work in handling stability.
The CRCC unit said its tunneling work at Zhongbao county for the second Chongqing-Hunan highway, of which 80 percent of projects are tunneling work, is nearing completion after its construction team overcame major difficulties including tunneling through water-soluble rock layers, stabilizing the tunnel under rich-in-water areas and prevention work against water and mud inrushes.
With expectations that the regulatory policy would be further relaxed in the next stage and the housing financial environment further improved, and considering the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, we think sales may hit rock bottom in the second quarter.
It has introduced secondary tourist resources such as bungee jumping facilities, virtual reality experiences and rock climbing facilities.
ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATIONIn celebration of the 50th anniversary of Hard Rock, an international hospitality and entertainment group, Hard Rock Hotel Dalian launched a music event on June 18 in cooperation with the Harley-Davidson motorcycle brand.
In recent years, many cities organized sporting events such as bicycle races, marathons, sailing races and rock climbing.
Germany will also host a refinery in 2024 built by Canadian group Rock Tech Lithium.
Shale oil is one of the unconventional oils produced from oil shale rock fragments.
“Shale oil”是指从油页岩(oil shale)中提取的一种非常规石油。油页岩是一种富含有机质的沉积岩,其内部包含大量的潜在燃料资源,尤其是烃类化合物。这种岩石并非直接蕴含液态石油,而是含有称为“ kerogen”的固体有机物质。通过特殊的开采和加工技术,可以将油页岩中的 kerogen 转化为可使用的油气产品,其中就包括 shale oil。
Shale oil 的生产过程通常涉及以下步骤:
1. **钻井与压裂**:首先在油页岩层进行水平钻井,以最大限度地接触到含油岩层。然后进行水力压裂( Hydraulic fracturing,简称“ fracking”),即向井中注入高压液体(包含水、沙以及化学添加剂),以形成并扩展裂缝,从而增加油页岩内部孔隙的连通性,使得油气能更易于被开采出来。
2. **地下加热**(*In-situ* heating):对于某些类型的油页岩,可能采用地下加热方法来促进 kerogen 的热解。这包括蒸汽注入、电加热或燃烧部分油页岩以产生热量。这些热量促使 kerogen 发生热化学反应,转化为液态和气态的烃类化合物。
3. **地面处理**:开采出的油页岩或经过地下加热后产生的油气混合物需进一步在地面进行处理。这可能包括分离、蒸馏、溶剂萃取等过程,以提取出 shale oil 和其他有价值的烃类产品,如天然气、液化石油气(LPG)等。
4. **环境与社会考量**:Shale oil 的开采与生产过程中,需要关注其对环境和社会的影响。这包括水资源消耗、废水处理、甲烷排放、地震风险、土地使用、社区干扰等问题。行业、政府和公众需要共同努力,寻求在保障能源供应的同时,尽可能减少这些负面影响,并推动相关技术的持续改进与创新。
总的来说,Shale oil 作为非常规油气资源之一,其开发与利用拓展了全球石油供应来源,对能源安全具有重要意义。然而,其生产过程相对复杂,且面临一定的环境和社会挑战,需要在实践中不断探索和完善可持续的开发模式。
Domestic gene technology firm Burning Rock, dedicated to R&D of tumor testing, was listed on the Nasdaq last year after its establishment in 2014.
The construction team found the use of crushed basalt, a dark-colored, igneous rock, in road base construction could increase friction between the road and vehicles, improving safety.
com Group, played up to 20 characters, including an emperor, Jia Baoyu, from the early Qing Dynasty, a sea king, a rock star, and a comedian.
Tmall Genie, the artificial intelligence-backed smart speaker subsidiary of Alibaba Group, has recently teamed up with a consortium of music service providers from Taihe Music to Rock Records to explore "new scenarios of a smart home.
Any financial risks that may arise from high leverage of China's real estate industry would be kept under control as the fundamentals of the property market remain rock solid and the necessary financing regulations are in place, they said.
Salt cavern storage, on the other hand, requires a long construction period using water to dissolve underground rock salt to create storage space, creating a higher unit construction cost to operational volume, but a limited amount of cushion gas requirement, higher turnover and recoverable cushion gas, he said.
As part of the railway's second building phase, the construction company is tapping volcanic rock of the country's Rift Valley region instead of harvesting supplies from riverbanks.
It boasts distinctive traveling resources such as grasslands, lakes, deserts, forests, rock features and red mountains.
As New Zealand's largest exporter of live rock lobster, Fiordland Lobster Company Group General Manager Andrew Harvey said on Sunday that the company will explore China's digital channels in 2019.
"Live southern rock lobsters have been a very traditional business: wild lobsters are caught along remote coastlines, flown to the live seafood markets of China, and presented at celebrations in high end seafood restaurants," he added.
"Rather than saying that we hit the rock bottom in sports-related investment, I would prefer saying that we are calming down and becoming more cautious," said Zhang Li, vice-president of the China branch of IDG Capital, a global investment firm.
Wuyishan, a major tea production base in China, is home to the well-known Wuyi rock tea, a type of oolong tea.
Its main wall, decorated with vinyl discs, movie posters and images of rock bands, presents the look of a music and movie bar.
Deng said it only took two hours for drones to complete the digital scanning of the Huashan rock paintings in the Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region and less than one day to accomplish the modeling, which quickly restored the structure of rock paintings, thus greatly improving the efficiency of surveying and mapping.
In addition to vehicle manufacturing, the park serves as an off-road experience center, featuring various steep slopes, along with more than 20 challenging off-road tests like sandy paths, rock formations, and water crossings.
A "white gold rush" for lithium in Portugal follows Canadian group Rock Tech Lithium's decision to invest 470 million euros in a German lithium plant from 2024.
Rock bottom prices for oil meant further falls in the price of crude in China and Europe would be limited, he said.
According to Sun Kai, a CTCE technician on the site, building such a test center was a daunting task as the strata had lots of sedimentary rock formations, while its surface was mainly saline-alkali deserts with an accumulation of thenardite, a sodium sulfate mineral, seen largely in salt lakes and arid regions.
"Undermining it will rock the foundation of the company's growth. "
We are a sensible couple, so there was no big marital discord, just a bit of friendly throwing of spongy missiles at each other over the unfairness of it all; but, may I wink and ask: can we be really sure if e-commerce platforms' tricks wouldn't rock relationships one day in the future?
Province transforms into key transportation, internet hubKarst rock formations shrouded in mist are typical scenery in outlying areas of Guiyang and Guian New Area, Guizhou province, but the provincial capital and the national-level new area are also home to equally solid technological foundations.
Chan Kwok-ki, chief secretary for administration of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) government, said at the ceremony that Hong Kong's status as an international financial center is rock solid and has a bright prospect.
Pettis, who is also well-known for promoting independent rock music in China and has his own record label, Maybe Mars, has written extensively about China's debt.
Investment banks and research houses have joined in a chorus of concern over the deal, as ongoing social unrest and a geopolitical storm rock the two major financial centers.
What's more, economic fundamentals appear rock solid - Chinese GDP, which expanded 6.9 percent in 2017 to 82.71 trillion yuan, is forecast to grow by 6.6 percent to 6.8 percent this year - despite trade tariff tensions and currency and stock-market fluctuations.
Rising mortgage rates rock market; prudent policy on horizon gives hopeFirst-tier cities in China have been raising mortgage rates for homebuyers toward the maximum 20 percent since the Chinese New Year began on Feb 16, indicating potential credit problems for real estate buyers.
Sichuan Television invited a virtual rock band comprising five digital creations based on cultural relics found at the Sanxingdui site in Deyang, Sichuan.
Hichilema said that Zambia and China enjoy an all-weather friendship, and that bilateral relations are as firm as rock.
"By learning about the survey, we can improve emergency evacuation signs and routes to guide local governments with evacuating people in case of sudden disasters such as extreme rainstorms, floods, flash floods and mud and rock flows.