Eric is
nowhere to be seen.
Mary just came out of
nowhere offers concrete historical background to support his arguments.
There is
nowhere to hide when the truth comes out.
- 这句话意味着当事实揭露时,任何人都无法逃避。
I've searched everywhere but can find
nowhere to buy that rare book.
- 表示在所有可能的地方都寻找过,但仍未找到。
In this vast universe, we are
nowhere near the center.
- 指在宇宙的尺度上,我们的位置非常边缘。
After the storm, there was
nowhere to be seen alive.
- 描述风暴后的凄凉景象,没有生命迹象。
She felt like she didn't belong anywhere.
- 表示她找不到归属感,无论在哪里都觉得格格不入。
The abandoned town seemed like it had been deserted for ages, with no signs of life anywhere.
- 描述一个荒芜、无人居住的地方。
nowhere else to go, she decided to return to her hometown.
- 表示别无选择,只能回到原点。
The lost hiker was found wandering
nowhere in particular in the forest.
- 描述一个人迷失方向,没有特定目标地走动。
Despite his efforts, he ended up
nowhere close to his goal.
- 表示尽管付出了努力,但结果并不理想。
In the midst of the pandemic, it feels like we're going
nowhere fast.
- 形象地描述在困难时期,事情进展缓慢或者停滞的状态。
While witnessing China's continued opening-up, German skin care company Beiersdorf has also benefited from such efforts by recording strong double-digit growth in the Chinese market over the past two decades, a speed that can be found nowhere else in the world, Ketin Lei, general manager of Corporate Affairs for Beiersdorf China said on Monday.
Cosmetics firm rides home success to build overseas presence for sustainable growthPerfect Diary, a young Chinese brand that emerged from nowhere to become a cosmetics giant, is "putting on another makeup" on the Southeast Asian market, as domestic beauty companies look for global presence with their rising prowess in the domestic market.
Recalling the old days after having lived in China for three decades, Eskelund said the country was a reasonably big trading nation and an important one, but the size then was nowhere near that of today.
"Nowhere else in the world people can see a makeshift hospital established from scratch in just 10 days," Megarbane said.
Nowhere is this more apparent than e-commerce.
Rising from nowhere, China's bike-sharing industry reached a frenzy in less than three years.
"In a mobile phone you can open an entire world, that's something you can do nowhere else .
"This is totally different from the old Xinhua bookstores where there was nowhere to read in comfort," Wang, 36, said.
While the initial customer concern would be anxiety over running out of gas in the middle of nowhere, what comes next is a question of price, in the absence of government subsidy, he said.
Perhaps, nowhere is the trend more evident than in China.