spend too much time on your phone.
How do you
spend your national vacation this year?
Many young people would rather
spend than save.
I spent the whole day at the beach.
spends a lot of time reading books.
We spent our honeymoon in Paris.
spends most of his money on gadgets.
I can't believe I spent an hour looking for my keys.
spend their weekends hiking in the mountains.
She decided to
spend the summer studying abroad.
The company is
spending a fortune on advertising.
Time spent with friends is never wasted.
I have to cut down on
spending to save for a new car.
According to the agreement, the company will spend 190 million yuan ($26.5 million) to build a new production line for Dapagliflozin and Metformin Hydrochloride, a diabetes therapy that was marketed in China last November.
The company has announced it will spend $1.5 billion on a plan known as Project Texas in a bid to bolster data security and gain user trust in its operations by storing US-based user data in the servers of US tech company Oracle.
In addition, the survey from Alix-Partners stated that as consumer sentiment picks up, nearly half of the respondents said they are likely to spend more this year compared to last year, and 62 percent said they will spend at least 3,000 yuan this year, up 11 percentage points from 2022.
此外,Alix Partners的调查显示,随着消费者情绪的回升,近一半的受访者表示,今年他们可能会比去年花更多的钱,62%的受访者表示今年他们将至少花3000元,比2022年上升了11个百分点。
Chinese children only spend six hours a week playing on average, less than 2 percent of their week, while one-third of children globally have found their playtime is limited to just three hours weekly.
"China is one of our largest international markets, so it's very important to get here and spend some time with our clients and people and just reconnect after more than three years of being apart," Sells said.
China has a large Generation Z — born between the mid-1990s and early 2010s — audience that has disposable income to spend.
"The fact that fans need to spend money on tickets will stimulate more retail sales for park-exclusive toys.
Pan Helin, co-director of the Digital Economy and Financial Innovation Research Center at Zhejiang University's International Business School, said more stimulus measures are needed to stabilize employment, improve household incomes, boost people's ability and willingness to spend, and stimulate the purchase of big-ticket items such as automobiles and home appliances, so as to further unleash consumer spending.
"In a department store, customers usually spend an hour.
"The villagers can decide how to spend the money and the priorities to boost the village's development.
"In 2022, the total R&D spend was 161.5 billion yuan, representing 25.1 percent of total revenue — among the highest in Huawei's history.
The total time users spend on Channels also exceeded that of WeChat Moments, a popular social networking function allowing interaction with text, photos and videos between WeChat friends.
"In 2023, consumers will have fewer stocking-up needs but will spend more on categories improving their quality of life," said Yu.
According to the Beijing Times, the Carrefour Shuangjing store in Beijing early this month has shown a supply shortage as a result of the panic buying from consumers who purchased prepaid cards, who are worried about not being able to spend the money saved in their cards once stores are closed.
"The burgeoning of the sector offered a foundation for cosmetics companies such as Proya and Shiseido to enter the biotech industry, as currently, the production technology is mature and cosmetics companies do not need to spend a great deal of money to purchase listed companies to acquire the technology," Zhao said.
Chinese e-comics platform Kuaikan said on Friday that it will spend 400 million yuan ($57.28 million) next year toward encouraging more people to create Chinese-style comics, as part of its broader push to cultivate a robust content ecosystem.
While some Gen Z customers still rely on their parents economically, they have become one of the groups who spend the most in China, said market research company Daxue Consulting.
"The country's middle-income earners, for instance, would like to spend money on themselves, including eye care, which has pushed our growth and investment in the country as a leading producer of presbyopia eyeglasses," he said.
Some of them have already become parents who wish their children can be more trendy, so they are willing to spend money on purchasing high-end bags," said Guo Xin, a marketing professor at Beijing Technology and Business University.
By 2025, Chinese consumers are also forecast to spend 1.2 trillion yuan ($166 billion) on luxury goods, according to research firm Statista.
More technological breakthroughs sought to boost industrial upgrades, tradeChina's State-owned enterprises will spend more on research and development to bolster innovation-driven growth in the year's second half, which is expected to accelerate the country's industrial upgrading and boost exports of high value-added products, according to government officials and SOE executives.
Competition in the flash charging sector has intensified, because the more time people spend on their smartphones, the faster its batteries drain out.
Some of them have already become parents who wish their children can become more trendy, so they are willing to spend money on purchasing more pop toys," said Sun Yuanwen, founder and chief executive officer of Top Toy.
Top Toy创始人兼首席执行官孙元文表示:“他们中的一些人已经成为希望孩子变得更时尚的父母,所以他们愿意花钱购买更多的流行玩具。”。
Shen Ziyu, vice-chairman of Xingji Shidai, said Chinese people on average spend four to five hours per day on their smartphones, and car owners spend around one hour in their vehicles.
As mountainous a city as Chongqing is, local drivers have to spend extra time on winding roads before reaching their destinations, an issue that has been annoying residents.
The knowledgeable and oftentimes amusing approach to selling products have led to netizens posting comments such as "It's a good way to spend money where you get a product and also some extra knowledge".
A key to reviving business is to salvage consumer power as their willingness to spend remains sluggish at home.
China Eastern will spend $4.38 billion in total to purchase the 38 aircraft, and the new group of aircraft is expected to be delivered from this year to 2024, the company said.
The company is investing £2.75 billion ($3.38 billion) in the business to come up with revolutionary products and technologies, and in 2022, it will spend £600 million in technology, facilities, and laboratories.
"Compared with the eastern regions in the country, labor costs here are much lower, enabling enterprises to spend more on lighter R&D," Song said.
But it also reflects that these platforms, which have amassed sizable user bases, started ramping up the push to turn traffic into revenue," Wang said, adding that they are still in the early stages and the traffic is not expensive, which encourages both Chinese and foreign advertisers to spend money marketing their products on these platforms.
The toy market, in particular, has been comforting families forced to spend more time at home.
In his proposal, Li argued that China should spend more efforts on and give more policy preference to the production of methanol-powered vehicles, which are cleaner than gasoline models.
The company said it plans to spend big on digitalization and establish some 80 retail stores in China.
Sameed said residents of the capital spend a lot of time commuting as a result of congested roads, and homes and stores are often hit by water and power outages.
Statistics from global business data platform Statista showed China is forecast to spend the most on AR and VR technologies in 2020, with spending projected to reach $5.8 billion.
You must spend a lot of time on education and collaboration at the local level.
They are willing to spend on healthcare products and services, and this trend would significantly benefit Danaher's life sciences, biotech and diagnostics businesses in China for the long run, said Shen Yi, the group's vice-president and head of mergers and acquisitions for Asia.
"With consumption upgrade, consumers are willing to spend more money on high-end, fully automatic machines, which contributes to the rapid growth of the wet-and-dry vacuum cleaner market," he said.
Data from market research company Canalys showed that Microsoft accounted for 21 percent of global cloud infrastructure services spend in the third quarter of 2021.
Ma said COVID-19 has not only propelled a large number of foreign consumers to purchase more products through online channels, but also pushed them to open more social network accounts and spend more time on various social apps.
Chinese smartphone vendors are rushing to unveil their latest high-end products ahead of the upcoming National Day holiday, when consumers tend to spend big to upgrade their electronics.
"The COVID-19 pandemic has not only propelled a large number of foreign consumers to purchase more products via online channels, but also pushed them to open more social network accounts and spend more time on various social apps since last year.
Brian Misori told Xinhua News Agency on July 20 that the completed Nairobi bypasses are already helping reduce the amount of time motorists spend on the road.
"Club Med, as the world leading all-inclusive holiday experience provider, will also further focus destinations in the third and fourth tier cities, as increasing number of middle-income Chinese families in those cities are willing and capable to spend more on tourism.
作为全球领先的全包式度假体验提供商,Club Med也将进一步聚焦三四线城市的旅游市场。随着中国三四线城市中越来越多的中等收入家庭愿意并且有能力在旅游上投入更多,这些城市正展现出巨大的旅游消费潜力。
"Gartner said buyers typically spend only 17 percent of their time meeting with potential suppliers when they are considering a purchase.
Most coffee consumers in China are young office employees, and they tend to spend more on fast coffee brands like Starbucks.
In this case, a brand will be able to market its products to potential buyers and draw in more people to spend on clothing, and thus drive revenue growth of its main business, the consultancy said.
Last year, the total industrial spend of Airbus' commercial aircraft business in China reached almost $1 billion, up about 60 percent compared to 2016, Airbus said.
空中客车公司表示,去年其在中国的商用飞机业务的工业投入总额接近10亿美元,与2016年相比增长了约60%。这句话的中文翻译即为:去年,空客公司在中国的商用飞机业务的工业总支出接近10亿美元,比2016年增长了大约60%,空客公司说道。需要注意的是,在中文表达习惯中,我们通常会把公司名称"Airbus"翻译成其在中国更为人熟知的名字"空客",同时将"industrial spend"翻译为"工业投入/工业支出",更符合中文的表述方式。另外,“business”在上下文中特指“商用飞机业务”,因此直接翻译为“业务”。最后,为了避免重复,中文翻译中省略了第二次出现的主语“Airbus”。
It is clearly effective because companies continue to spend a great amount of money on the sponsorships.
By 2025, Chinese consumers are expected to spend 1.2 trillion yuan ($186 billion) on luxury goods, according to research firm Statista.
Loongson said in its prospectus that it plans to spend a third, or 1.25 billion yuan, of its anticipated IPO proceeds on research and production of advanced semiconductor technologies.
In some parts of the world, people have been unable to spend money on holidays and days out in recent months, and many have spent their disposable income on a new smartphone instead.
In an internal letter to employees, the 38-year-old Zhang, who founded several successful apps like TikTok, said he is making the transition to spend more time on "long-term strategy, corporate culture, and social responsibility".
"Chinese consumers have flocked to Hainan to spend their duty-free allowances.
Before the station was built, local herdsmen had to spend two days traveling to nearby counties to have their vehicles pumped.
"With the COVID-19 pandemic forcing more people across the world to pay attention on their health and living environment, China's growing middle-income families are willing to spend more on high-end, nutritional dairy items," he added.
China Petrochemical Corp, or Sinopec, expects to spend 66.8 billion yuan ($10.18 billion) on upstream exploration focusing on shale gas development and construction of liquefied natural gas terminals in coastal areas, up from 56.4 billion yuan last year.
It will spend 66.8 billion yuan on upstream exploration focusing on shale gas development in southwest China and construction of liquefied natural gas terminals in coastal areas, up from 56.4 billion yuan last year, as China’s demand for refined oil products is expected to recover strongly and demand for natural gas and petrochemical products will also continue to grow, the company said in a statement filed with the Shanghai Stocks Exchange on Sunday.
With Spring Festival around the corner, Dongguan, Guangdong-based snack and confectionery maker Hsu Fu Chi unveiled its plan for the festival, giving a sweet taste for people to spend the biggest celebration with.
Some hosts spend the money earned from Airbnb listings on vacations themselves as well as on home renovations, education and activities related to post-retirement life, the report noted.
"Social distancing due to the COVID-19 pandemic has prompted consumers to spend more time online.
More content related to family life will be included in the courses for 3-year-olds as they spend much time with their parents.
"To US businesses, it's a stupid move to ban an app that allows Chinese to spend more in the US," said another user.
The company plans to spend more than half of the IPO proceeds on building up its sales and distribution networks and a third of the money raised in expanding its production capacity, according to its prospectus.
"Also there will be a big market for customized services and niche products, as pet owners now have more varying demand than before, and are willing to spend on their furry family members," Tang said.
Brand collaboration arouses consumers' curiosity, giving them a new reason to spend.
"Consumers are willing to spend more money on safer products with better quality to benefit their health," Qian said.
Consulting agency QuestMobile said China has seen slower growth in the number of internet users and the time they spend on surfing online in recent years.
Xigua President Ren Lifeng announced at a recent forum that the company will spend at least 2 billion yuan ($299.6 million) to sponsor content creators in its mid-sized video sector.
"Traditionally, Chinese families spend too much time in kitchen renovation," Jaeger said.
Jaeger 表示:“传统上,中国家庭在厨房装修上花费了太多时间。”
Offshore oil and gas major China National Offshore Oil Corp has pledged to spend 3 percent to 5 percent of its annual budget on the offshore wind power sector after its first offshore wind power project was connected to the grid and began generating power recently.
The China Academy of Information and Communications Technology, a government think tank, has forecast the country is likely to spend 1.2 trillion yuan on 5G network construction by 2025, driving more than 3.5 trillion yuan of investment in the upstream and downstream industry chains and related sectors by then.
com said as more young people enter the job market with growing purchasing power, particularly those born in the 1990s, they tend to spend more money on diversified products and services that meet their specific needs.
"The US would be wise to spend more time developing legislation and standards for how all companies, regardless of country of origin, protect online privacy and secure data," she said.
Another concept introduced by the tie-up is "social currency", a mechanism to encourage customers to spend more time navigating the experiences in the mini program.
"The UK's leadership in 5G will be lost if mobile operators are forced to spend time and money replacing existing equipment," he told Reuters.
In addition, carriers are selling flight tickets and other multiple cultural and creative products such as airplane models, porcelain, handwoven bags and lanterns through livestreaming sessions, where Chinese consumers are increasingly enticed to spend money through promotions.
Dretler added that international students spend $43 billion annually in the United States, more than half in tuition, so the financial risk is significant.
"Brand collaboration arouses consumers' curiosity, giving them a new reason to spend.
But what propelled the 28-year-old to spend several years here was the myths and miracles China has created in the digital realm, which represents a fertile ground for some of the world's most innovative businesses and inspirational stories.
Zhang said brand collaboration usually arouses consumers' curiosity, giving them a new reason to spend.
The company will offer these services so that buyers spend more time in the car and enjoy the experience, said the newspaper citing an analysis report.
Alibaba Group is testing a new model of elderly care through its "time bank," which makes every hour people spend advancing public welfare exchangeable for services for seniors, the company said on Tuesday.
"The program provides ten students every year a chance to spend two weeks at Huawei's campus in China.
Chinese consumers at home and abroad spent 770 billion yuan ($109.9 billion) on luxury items, equivalent to one-third of the global spend last year, according to McKinsey& Co.
Some 72 percent spend more than 200 yuan on such tea beverages every month, the report said.
"That was the forecast before the US restrictions," Hu said, adding that as the US curbs continue, Huawei will spend more to purchase from European companies.
"Chinese consumers are demanding and looking for an upgrade and they are more willing to spend money on cosmetics and skin care products, and more people are paying attention to the quality of products," she said.
Behind such purchasing power is a new consumption norm in the country, a trend featuring residents of smaller cities, who are looking more to imported goods and have a growing appetite to spend.
China's lower-tier cities are becoming "bigger, richer, and more eager to spend" and such consumption could triple to $6.9 trillion by 2030, according to a report from Morgan Stanley.
We are quite mature and conservative financially, as we did not spend lavishly when everyone else did.
Yao holds the view that these people have plenty of leisure time but little financial pressure, making them a group who can spend a lot of time as well as money on the internet.
"We are not only aiming to sell products from countryside to first- and second-tier cities, but to let people spend less and farmers earn more," said Sun Qin, co-founder of Pinduoduo.
In the classroom, you only learn about knowledge, but life is about experience," said Ma, who added that he will spend the next year "thinking it through" and visiting more countries and schools to study the different models.
Boeing also announced in July it planned to spend an additional $50 million to support education and economic empowerment in impacted communities.
"I myself and my team normally spend at least one month carefully sorting and doing research on the products to promote to my followers," she said.
By 2023, they are expected to spend $1,334 per person a year on overseas trips, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences said.
In addition to expanding its headquarters for greater China in Shanghai, Nike announced it would spend $100 million on its new logistics facility in Taicang, Jiangsu province, in January.
Wenig did not discuss how much eBay would spend on the service, known as "Managed Delivery," but he said it can be a profitable business on its own right.