foretold that the man would die soon.
You cannot foretell the future.
Mary could foretell what his reaction would be.
The fortune teller claimed to be able to foretell the future with uncanny accuracy.
Ancient astrologers attempted to foretell weather patterns by studying the stars.
No one could have
foretold the tremendous impact the internet would have on our daily lives.
The economist was often invited to speak on TV because he could foretell market trends accurately.
Legend has it that the old well's water level would rise before a storm, seemingly foretelling the coming weather.
The scientist's research aims to foretell natural disasters, allowing for early evacuation and saving lives.
Despite the analyst's efforts, it's nearly impossible to foretell exactly when the stock market will fluctuate.
The ancient prophecy claimed to foretell the birth of a great leader who would unite the divided lands.
By analyzing consumer behavior, marketers can foretell changes in demand for certain products.
The weather forecast tries to foretell tomorrow's conditions, helping people plan their day accordingly.
Such robust momentum of the Chinese economy will be maintained, foretold global observers after studying China's future blueprint.
This helps foretell possible paths values might take in the future, and reveal performance, value and competitiveness factors of specific products and services, along with relevant business departments, such as sales.
What is behind COVID, conflictsWe are now in the third year of the COVID-19 pandemic, with the virus still mutating, making it barely possible to foretell when it will end.
Ominous numbers foretell hard times ahead for world's largest auto market, analysts warnChina's auto dealers are under mounting pressure because of too much inventory, which reached this year's peak last month and is unlikely to turn better in December, compounding the foreboding of hard times ahead in the world's largest car market.
It could more or less be foretold by looking at the financial and manufacturing purchasing managers' indexes, which were unveiled ahead of the January-February performance release.
The cut was largely foretold by a State Council statement last week, which said the country would accelerate debt-to-equity swaps as well as make funding more accessible and affordable for small firms through measures including targeted RRR cuts and other monetary policy tools.