The jury found the defendant guilty, and their verdict was deemed just by all who heard it.
She received a fair and just punishment for her crimes, which served as a deterrent to others.
The law requires that everyone be treated equitably and without prejudice, ensuring justice for all.
The judge presided over the trial with impartiality, ensuring that justice was meted out
The company implemented a new policy to promote diversity and provide opportunities for employees to advance, fostering a just workplace environment.
A just society aims to eradicate poverty, inequality, and discrimination, providing equal access to resources and opportunities.
The teacher惩戒学生的方式是公正的,既维护了纪律,又尊重了学生的尊严。 (老师对学生的惩罚方式是公正的,既保持了课堂秩序,又尊重了学生的尊严。
The government's commitment to environmental protection is a testament to their dedication to achieving a sustainable future, where justice prevails over exploitation.
The newly appointed mediator played a crucial role in facilitating a just and peaceful resolution to the conflict between the two parties.
In a just world, every voice would be heard, and no one would be left behind or unfairly penalized.
The US should treat Chinese companies fairly and justly, providing them with equal treatment for their trade and investment cooperation activities in its market, Shu added.