The principle of the
pigeonhole principle states that if you have more items than containers, at least one container must hold more than one item.
In a class of 30 students, where each student is assigned a unique number from 1 to 30, the
pigeonhole principle guarantees that there will be two students with the same birthday in February, assuming a non-leap year.
If you put five balls into four boxes, by the
pigeonhole principle, at least one box must contain more than one ball.
According to the
pigeonhole principle, in a group of 7 people, there must be at least two people who were born in the same month.
pigeonhole principle is often used in computer science to prove the existence of certain collisions or errors in algorithms.
If we have 9 distinct colors and we color 10 points on a plane, the
pigeonhole principle tells us that there will be two points of the same color that are less than 1 unit apart.
In a tournament with 8 players, the
pigeonhole principle ensures that there must be at least one player who wins against at least three others.
When learning a new language, the
pigeonhole principle can be applied to show that, among any 26-letter word list, there must be at least two words that start with the same letter.
The principle of the
pigeonhole principle is not only useful in mathematics but also in analyzing data sets and predicting outcomes in various fields.
In a voting system with 5 candidates and 6 voters, the
pigeonhole principle guarantees that at least one candidate will receive more than one vote.