rebutted his argument with strong evidence, showing he was wrong.
The defendant's lawyer presented a compelling rebuttal to the prosecution's case.
His statement was quickly
rebutted by several experts in the field.
The politician
rebutted the accusations of corruption with an emphatic denial.
rebutted his claim that she was not dedicated to her work.
In the debate, he was unable to effectively rebut his opponent's points.
The company
rebutted the negative review by providing evidence of customer satisfaction.
The witness' testimony was
rebutted by contradictory statements from other witnesses.
The economist
rebutted the notion that the economy was headed for a recession.
Her rebuttal to the criticism was both articulate and persuasive.
DJI, the world's largest drone maker, on Monday rebutted US lawmakers' data-security concerns about the company's products, saying that it does not collect or share customer data.
Kun Dai, the founder, chairman and CEO of Uxin, also rebutted that he never voluntarily sold any Uxin shares as alleged in the report.
In one of the strongest public remarks ever, a senior representative of China's tech company Huawei on Thursday night rebutted fear-mongering against the company.
US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen recently rebutted Moody's downgrade of the United States' credit outlook.
Lin also rebutted some Western views that the Belt and Road Initiative causes debt problems in Africa, saying that while African countries do have debt issues, most of their debt is related to Western countries, not China.
That has also harmed the reputation of the US itself, as countries around the world, especially developing economies, all want fairness and just and rebut hegemonism," she said.
An eminent Chinese scholar on foreign trade studies has rebutted a claim made by analysts and a section of the media that India and some Southeast Asian countries will gradually replace China's role as the "world factory", a metaphor used to describe its major role in manufacturing.
"The ruling was of great significance to rebut the illicit countervailing practices of the US, protect the legitimate trade interests of Chinese enterprises and safeguard the multilateral trading system," the Ministry of Commerce said in an online statement.
Roy Lu Yan, head of industrial research at battery giant, Gotion High-Tech, rebutted market rumors that the remarks sent the signal that China will centralize the purchase of key mineral resources for NEVs.
To rebut the rumor, Liu came forward and released a statement titled "Act, Sworn to Win Lenovo's Honor", and said "Chinese businesses should unite and brush aside attempts to sow discord. "