The little boy was learning to ride his tricycle around the park.
She bought a tricycle for her toddler to help him develop his balance.
The tricycle had colorful streamers attached to its handlebars, making it look very playful.
The elderly man used a tricycle to transport his gardening tools around the yard.
The children were having a race with their
tricycles down the sidewalk.
In the old days, before cars were common, delivery men used
tricycles to carry goods.
The tricycle's sturdy frame made it suitable for carrying heavy loads.
The tricycle's training wheels gave the child extra stability while learning to pedal.
The vintage tricycle on display in the museum was a reminder of simpler times.
The tricycle, with its bright red paint and shiny chrome parts, was a favorite toy of the preschooler.
Its products include electric bike, electric scooter, electric special bike, electric tricycle and others vehicles.
E-cars replaced the traditional tricycles and scooters, while the couriers stepped out in suits and ties, as well as white gloves.
These could include even street-level businesses-say, a humble old woman's "shop" on the sidewalk selling socks, umbrellas and hair clips, a mobile fast food xiaotan or stall on an electric tricycle, or a neighborhood florist.
With an annual production capacity of 145 million children's vehicles, including bicycles and tricycles, the county boasts 129 foreign trade enterprises with self-operated import and export rights, making it one of the national-level bases for foreign trade transformation.
Because many sellers followed me in buying vans, I bought a tricycle to contain the flowers and painted it pink, which made a lot of heads turn.
"With this electric tricycle, I am saving money because no fuel is required.
Official statistics showed that since March 2019, VEDCA has produced 2,500 electric scooters, 1,500 electric tricycles and other products with sales reaching $6 million.
In 2023, the JV intends to increase production to 10,000 electric scooters and 10,000 electric tricycles, in addition to starting the assembly of 500 four-wheel scooters.
- For Cuban Yosvany Abreu, life has changed after he bought a Chinese electric tricycle last year.
"With this tricycle, I am saving money because no fuel is required.