**User1:** /join #programming
**Translation:** User1 joins the "#programming" channel.
**Server:** 433 *nick* : Nickname is already in use.
**Translation:** The server responds that the chosen nickname is already being used by another user.
**User2:** PRIVMSG #general : Hi everyone!
**Translation:** User2 sends a private message to the "#general" channel, saying "Hi everyone!"
**Operator:** MODE #chat +b *!*@*.example.com
**Translation:** The operator sets a ban on all users connecting from example.com IP addresses in the "#chat" channel.
**User3:** ACTION is typing a long response...
**Translation:** User3 indicates they are currently typing a message in the chat.
**User4:** NICK NewNickname
**Translation:** User4 changes their nickname to "NewNickname".
**ChannelBot:** Topic for #help: Ask your technical questions here.
**Translation:** ChannelBot announces the topic of the "#help" channel as being for technical question-asking.
**User5:** PART #gaming : Leaving the game night early.
**Translation:** User5 leaves the "#gaming" channel, stating they're leaving the game night early.
**User6:** !seen JohnDoe
**Translation:** User6 asks the
IRC client if it has seen any recent activity from the user "JohnDoe".
**Server:** 353 *nick* = #music : Alice Bob Carol
**Translation:** The server informs *nick* that the members of the "#music" channel are Alice, Bob, and Carol.