buddied up with the other corporal.
Tom and I have been buddies for years.
Hey buddy, how's it going? 朋友,最近怎么样?
Can you lend me a hand, buddy? 伙伴,能帮我个忙吗?
My old buddy from college is coming to visit this weekend.
Buddy, you're the best! 伙计,你是最棒的!
Watch your step there, buddy.
It's been ages since we last met, buddy! 好久不见了,老兄!
Thanks for having my back, buddy.
You can always count on your buddy in times of need.
Let's grab a beer, buddy.
Buddy, that joke had me rolling on the floor laughing! 伙计,那个笑话让我笑得前仰后合!
The program includes on-the-job training, workshops and a buddy and mentor program.
The product, dubbed Buddy&DD, offers children interactive videos on STEM, or science, technology, engineering, art, and math, as well as suitable toys.
A "study buddy" in the form of a portable smart speaker is also included in the new package to create an immersive learning environment for children.
In addition, by introducing a Buddy Program, which trains volunteers through working closely with patients alongside the Home of Red Ribbon staff members, the plan aims to enhance their knowledge and skills.
"Toward the end of 2020, I hope to return to Zhangjiakou-it's still not very far from Beijing, buddy!