The term 'organic' connotes natural and healthy, which is why it's widely used in marketing for food products."
In the context of literature, 'gothic' often connotes a sense of mystery and horror."
The color red can connote both love and danger, depending on the cultural context."
When someone describes a place as 'quaint', it usually connotes a charm or simplicity from a bygone era."
The word 'elite' can connote exclusivity and high status, but it can also carry negative connotations of privilege and snobbery."
A 'wholesome' image connotes something that is morally upright and beneficial to one's well-being."
The phrase 'to break the ice' connotes initiating a conversation or easing tension in an awkward situation."
The term 'green energy' connotes environmentally friendly and sustainable power sources."
In many cultures, the number 13 is considered unlucky and connotes bad fortune."
A 'stoic' person is often seen as unemotional and resilient, able to endure hardship without complaint."