
词根词缀记忆/谐音联想记忆 补充/纠错
cor 加强 + rupt 破,断裂 + ion 表状态 → 腐败 → corruption n.腐坏,腐化,败坏;贪污,贿赂
*** 登录后可看 *** → corruption n.腐坏,腐化,败坏;贪污,贿赂
Th… *** 登录后可看 *** → corruption n.腐坏,腐化,败坏;贪污,贿赂
co… *** 登录后可看 *** → corruption n.腐坏,腐化,败坏;贪污,贿赂
co… *** 登录后可看 *** → corruption n.腐坏,腐化,败坏;贪污,贿赂
词性拓展记忆 / 词形拓展记忆
correct / interrupt / corruption
词根记忆 / 词缀记忆
corruption n 腐败(cor+rupt+ion)
rupt=break, 表示”断裂”
rupture n 破裂,断绝(rupt+ure)
abrupt a 突然的(ab离开+rupt=断开=突然断开=突然的)
bankrupt a 破 …………
academic corruption 学术腐败
the corruption of public morality 公共道德的败坏
corruption phenomenon 腐败现象
corruption conviction 贪污罪
fight corruption and build a clean government 反腐倡廉
can fan public perceptions of corruption 可以煽动公众对腐败的看法
they are prosecuted for corruption 他们因腐败被起诉
overturn the corruption conviction 推翻腐败定罪
combat corruption and build a clean government 反腐倡廉
Independent Commission Against Corruption 廉政公署
Eric claimed that sex and violence on TV led to the corruption of young people.
Tom was accused of corruption.
The mayor was accused of corruption and embezzlement of public funds.
Corruption is a major obstacle to economic development in many countries.
The police officer accepted a bribe to overlook the illegal activities.
The anti-corruption agency launched an investigation into the allegations.
His involvement in the corruption scandal ruined his political career.
The company's culture of corruption went all the way to the top management.
Transparency and accountability are key to fighting corruption in government.
The whistleblower exposed a network of corruption within the department.
The politician's reputation was tarnished by allegations of corruption.
The international community pledged to support efforts against corruption worldwide.
He had caused and magnified financial risks, and was deeply engaged in financial corruption.
The incident draw widespread concern and queries online, with many netizens wondering whether Zhou's family accumulated wealth from corruption and whether his father was promoted through the abuse of power.
Lai Xiaomin, former board chairman of China Huarong Asset Management Co, was executed for corruption on Friday after his death sentence was approved by the top court.
European aircraft producer Airbus has agreed to pay penalties of 3.6 billion euros ($3.96 billion) in a move that it hopes will bring to an end a probe into corruption around the awarding of contracts that has been hanging over the multinational for the past four years.
"These agreements are made in the context of investigations into allegations of bribery and corruption as well as compliance with the US international traffic in arms regulations.
But this year Boeing is still grappling with the grounding of its top-selling 737 MAX aircraft in March after two deadly crashes, while European arch-rival Airbus is dealing with the fallout from a long-running corruption scandal.
However, in 1999, Chu was arrested on charges of corruption and sentenced to life imprisonment, which was later commuted to 17 years.
Chu however was found guilty of charges of corruption, and was incarcerated at the age of 71.
Zhao said the Zimbabwean government's zero tolerance to corruption would also help lure foreign investment.
The Summit of the Americas, themed "Democratic Governance against Corruption" this year, gathers heads of state and government of the Western Hemisphere to address challenges faced in the Americas.
I think China has made great strides in two other very important areas: fighting corruption and combating pollution.
Fu Liang, an independent analyst who has been following the telecom sector for more than 15 years, said China Unicom's move might encourage other SOEs to auction off their assets online, which is also an effective way to rein in corruption.
The project is widely seen as an opportunity for the country to exercise transparency and combat corruption in the project's execution.
Chinese companies are tightening up their compliancy rules, and cracking down on bribery and corruption.
Vignal's comments came after a survey by global accounting giant EY, formerly known as Ernst & Young, revealed that awareness of bribery and corruption in the Asia-Pacific region had nearly doubled in the past four years.
"Still, corruption problems persist in the wider Asia-Pacific region, the EY poll of 1,698 employees at large companies showed.
"I want to work for the Chinese firm one hundred percent because they are nice people and don't tolerate corruption," he said.
Mechanisms for intra-Party management and supervision over the exercise of power must be improved to take coordinated measures, so that officials do not have the opportunity, desire or audacity to engage in corruption.
Management and auditing activities will be strengthened to ensure project quality and prevent corruption.
This enables greater participation in economic activity and reduces corruption, Guppy said.
"It aims to uproot the hotbed of corruption by optimizing the regulation system, which will be a future trend," he said.
The district has been a pioneer in adapting to the global market, use of international business laws and practices, matching economic growth with social progress, and preventing corruption.
Excessive reliance on charismatic regional personalities or inefficient government departments had bred corruption in the past.
Under the Light, another hit directed by Zhang, recounts a thrilling case involving a deputy mayor's collusion with a businessman, that has reminded theatergoers of China's efforts to fight corruption and gang violence.
Iraq's power network has been damaged by armed conflicts, mismanagement and corruption.
It is widely agreed that several factors, including its sheer size and hangovers from corruption, has sapped its vigor.
The ability to regulate and supervise the financial sector is inadequate, with many hidden economic and financial risks as well as financial turmoil and corruption.
Apart from enabling governments to quickly expand social safety nets, fintech can also increase transparency, reduce the risk of corruption and avoid unnecessary contact, all of which will help fight the pandemic, she said.
The measures are expected to increase the transparency of the government's activities, prevent corruption and allocate funds to significant areas which can support the economic recovery since the novel coronavirus outbreak, said experts.
It also highlights the fight against financial corruption and securities-related crimes, and outlines strict punishments for people who disturb registration-based IPOs, as well as increased fines for insider trading and market manipulation.
Lai Xiaomin, former China Huarong Asset Management board chairman, has been charged with bribery, corruption and bigamy, the Supreme People's Procuratorate said on Friday.
The tone from its top management is very clear: There will be zero tolerance for corruption.
AIIB conducts due diligence in its operations to ensure that no corruption has taken place up to the point when it gets involved and after approval when AIIB funds are spent.
"The approach is to attack corruption throughout the whole project cycle," he said during an interview with China Daily on Tuesday.
AIIB wants to know who the ultimate beneficiary of a company is and wants to make sure that the people it is dealing with do not have a tainted reputation for corruption.
AIIB also signed a memorandum of understanding with the World Bank this year that allows both organizations to investigate allegations of corruption in their co-financed projects.
It gathers new staff members for training in small groups, offering an overview of the bank's anti-corruption policies and improves their general awareness on the context and consequences of corruption.
"He said the bank adheres to the "lean, clean and green" principle, which means avoiding institutional obesity, zero tolerance of corruption and promoting a green economy.
"No tolerance will be shown on corruption," Jin said, noting that the AIIB had very strict anti-corruption rules in terms of recruitment and promotion.
"The stock issuing system will be reformed to reduce government intervention in pricing and crack down on corruption.
The Communist Party of China's efforts over the past 10 years to severely punish misconduct and corruption that occur "at people's doorsteps" have led to an increase in the sense of gain and happiness among the people, observers said.
Xi, who is also Chinese president and chairman of the Central Military Commission, called for advancing the Party's self-reform and winning the tough and protracted battle against corruption.
He emphasized the importance of maintaining a tough stance against corruption and said that firm action must be taken to deal with corrupt low-ranking officials, so that the people can have a stronger sense of gain.
Under Xi's leadership, an overwhelming victory has been achieved in the fight against corruption, with the reports of the 19th National Congress of the CPC in 2017 and the 20th National Congress of the CPC in 2022 highlighting the intensification of efforts to address corruption issues affecting the people and to punish grassroots corruption.
Such corruption "at people's doorsteps" affected their daily lives and mainly occurred in areas such as employment, education, healthcare, social security, environmental protection, workplace safety and law enforcement, according to an article on the CCDI's website.
Always a concern, such corruption included embezzlement, diversion, misappropriation and coercive practices, the article said.
Yang Weidong, a professor at the Institute of Rule of Law at China University of Political Science and Law, said that sternly punishing corruption at the grassroots level is a further implementation of the anti-corruption agenda outlined in the report of the 20th National Congress of the CPC.
Such corruption often involved lower-ranking officials, such as village chiefs, and smaller sums, but it could directly affect the welfare of the public, he said.
Yang said China has a vast number of grassroots cadres, and corruption at that level has a more direct and stronger societal impact.
"Corruption at the grassroots level, which affects the daily lives of the people, is more detested by the public than corruption involving high-ranking officials," he said.
Corruption is such a persistent one," Xi told The Wall Street Journal in September 2015.
He said the people hated corruption more than anything else, and action was needed to allay their concerns.
While wielding a heavy hand against high-ranking corrupt officials, Xi has also demanded severe punishment for corruption at the grassroots level, so that the people can truly perceive the Party's original aspiration and mission in exercising full and strict self-governance.
It ensured the rectification of working methods and corruption issues at the grassroots level, which was crucial for guaranteeing the public's direct sense of gain, he said.
To expand on the achievements in combating corruption, Yang suggested leveraging the role of democratic systems at the grassroots level, such as soliciting public opinion on funding allocations and significant decisions.
Additionally, operational mechanisms related to areas touching on people's livelihoods should be refined, based on the potential corruption risks, to prevent malfeasance.
The article on the CCDI website also highlighted the importance of continuing to strengthen supervision of policies benefiting the people, rectifying corruption in the field of people's livelihoods, and enhancing the people's sense of gain, happiness and security.
Wang Yongjun, the head of the Shanxi Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, outlined the province's efforts to comprehensively rectify corruption issues and malpractices in rural vitalization.
The SPP, the National Supervisory Commission and the Ministry of Public Security jointly established a mechanism to enhance their collaboration on efforts to combat money laundering while handling corruption cases.
One year ago, during the second plenary session of the 20th Communist Party of China Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, the Party's resolute commitment to successfully combat corruption was emphasized, vowing to take stronger measures to prevent new cases and root out existing ones.
Cracking down on collusion between officials, businesspeople to be prioritizedThe top disciplinary watchdog of the Communist Party of China will prioritize the investigation of corruption cases involving collusion between officials and businesspeople, according to a communique issued on Wednesday.
The disciplinary authorities will continue to resolutely fight corruption related to finance, State-owned enterprises, energy, tobacco, health and infrastructure projects, it said.
The communique highlighted the need to deepen the anti-graft campaign and called for comprehensively advancing the approach of ensuring that Party members and officials do not dare to, are unable to, and have no desire to indulge in corruption.
The CCDI will focus on key issues, areas and targets, as well as new types of corruption and hidden ones, the communique said.
Corruption affecting the daily life of people and cross-border graft cases will be resolutely addressed, it said.
Latest legal amendment takes aim at acts of corruption in greater detail, scopePeople who offer bribes or damage the legitimate interests of private enterprises will face harsher punishment in line with an amended law, in China's latest step in strengthening the fight against corruption.
"Comparing bribe-givers to sources of pollution, the commission added, "if they are not prohibited, those who accept bribes will continue to exist, so it's necessary to promote the fight against corruption at the root".
"The expansion aims to combat corruption within private companies, so that entrepreneurs' legitimate rights and interests can be better protected," it added.
Corruption among private enterprises is expected to be further combated while stronger protections for entrepreneurs will be promoted, an official from the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, China's top legislature, said on Friday.
The charges in question include illegally benefiting friends or relatives, offering discounted shares through malpractice and illicitly selling off company assets, Zang said, adding that "the expansion aims to provide a legal basis for fighting corruption within private firms and give stronger protection to entrepreneurs".
Corruption in private enterprises will be further combated in line with a draft amendment law, so that legitimate rights and interests of entrepreneurs can be better protected, an official from the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, China's top legislature, said on Friday.
"It's also to provide legal basis for private companies to fight corruption effectively.
He added he wants to learn more about China's experience fighting and preventing corruption.
The participants called for stronger international cooperation against corruption and the advance of global efforts in judicial areas such as extradition and repatriation of criminal suspects and the transfer of sentenced persons.
After retiring from the leadership post, Li continued to firmly uphold the leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, care for advancing the cause of the Party and the country, and firmly uphold the Party's efforts to improve conduct, build integrity, and combat corruption.
Belt and Road participating countries have pledged to comprehensively expand and improve cooperation on tackling corruption so that they can address fraudulent activities across borders.
The document titled "Achievements and Prospects of Belt and Road Integrity Building" notes that cross-border corruption undermines fairness and justice and threatens the global financial and security order, adding that there is great potential for anti-corruption cooperation among BRI participants.
Efforts should be intensified to combat corruption in state-owned enterprises and the financial sector, and pointless formalities, bureaucratism, hedonism, and extravagance should be further tackled.
During the inspections, these entities were urged to implement strict governance within the Party, strengthen oversight of their leadership, intensify efforts in investigating and addressing cases of corruption, and earnestly rectify any misconduct.
These issues encompassed failures to fully implement CPC Central Committee decisions, inadequate risk awareness, insufficient security measures resulting in inadequate risk prevention and control mechanisms, weak adherence to strict Party governance, corruption risks among leading officials, violations of guidelines for improving Party and government conduct, and weaknesses in leadership, talent and grassroots Party organizations in some areas.
Stricter Party governance is emphasized, with a focus on supervising top leaders, intensifying the investigation and handling of corruption cases and misconduct.
Since the beginning of this year, authorities have made full use of international rules and domestic laws, carried out in-depth international judicial and law enforcement cooperation against corruption, and adhered to the pursuit and recovery of fugitives and stolen goods in a law-based way, according to the commissions.
In February, the Shanghai No 2 Intermediate People's Court applied for the confiscation of illegal gains and the land-use rights of Feng Weihua, a fugitive on an Interpol Red Notice, who had purchased land and built a factory using money acquired via corruption, bribery and embezzlement.
The fight against corruption must balance both the international and domestic battlefields, and international cooperation against corruption must be deepened to ensure that those who have fled have no place to hide and those who attempt to flee lose their illusions, said the CCDI and NCS.
The SPP's guideline tasks prosecutors with suggesting harsher punishments for private company employees involved in embezzlement, bribery and other forms of corruption.
Prosecutors should also encourage governance of corruption at the source to both punish and prevent insider crimes, including the abuse of position to engage in acts such as operating parallel companies to the ones they work for, and the unauthorized sale of company assets.
From 2019 to 2021, the NBS sent inspection teams to all provincial-level regions and a handful of ministries to conduct the first comprehensive inspection on statistics officials, which also included checks for other weak points, such as corruption.
He added that the revision will strengthen protection of the property of private firms, and will provide them the legal basis and means to combat corruption.
China plans to increase the punishment for those who bribe officials by amending the Criminal Law to advance the country's fight against corruption, a senior legislator said.
"The content will help private companies prevent and combat internal corruption," Shen said.
In January, the top discipline watchdog of the Communist Party of China in its communique stressed intensified punishment for those who commit bribery to foster and promote a better atmosphere of upholding integrity and resisting corruption.
The report to the 20th CPC National Congress also required discipline authorities nationwide to punish both bribe takers and givers and combat new and disguised forms of corruption.
The amendment focuses on better implementing the Communist Party of China Central Committee's principles and policies regarding the fight against corruption and the protection of private enterprises in accordance with the law.
It refines stipulations concerning the crime of offering bribes as well as corruption conducted by personnel of private enterprises.
The amendment focuses on better implementing the Party Central Committee's principles and policies regarding the fight against corruption and the protection of private enterprises in accordance with the law.
It refines stipulations concerning the crime of offering bribes as well as corruption conducted by private enterprise personnel.
Currently, the soil for the growth of corruption and improper conduct remains, and the risk of a rebound still exists, the commissions said.
"Some officials think that attending banquets and entertainment venues is not a big deal, as long as the act isn't related to corruption or causes any serious consequences.
"No matter what kind of banquet or entertainment, it is essentially corruption and should be eliminated at the source," he said.
Li, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and secretary of the CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, said that disciplinary inspection and supervisory agencies should focus their work on advancing Chinese modernization and make significant progress in exercising full and rigorous Party self-governance, improving the conduct and integrity of the Party, and combating corruption.

考研Merely helping a gift-giver gain access to other officials, unless done with clear intent to pressure those officials, is not corruption, the justices found.



考研Favoritism in official access can fan public perceptions of corruption.



高考In general, the kind of news which may be expected to give immediate reward are news of crime and corruption, accidents and disasters, sports, social events, and human interest.


2015年高考英语江苏卷 任务型阅读 原文

考研The court’s ruling is a step forward in the struggle against both corruption and official favoritism.



考研The court's ruling is a step forward in the struggle against both corruption and official favoritism.


2017年考研真题(英语一)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ

高考In any given story of corruption or disaster, a thoughtful reader may receive not only the immediate reward of indirect experience, but also the delayed reward of information and preparedness.


2015年高考英语江苏卷 任务型阅读 原文

考研But it is not always corruption.



考研New research suggests that CSR may create monetary value for companies—at least when they are prosecuted for corruption.



考研In a rare unanimous ruling, the US Supreme Court has overturned the corruption conviction of a former Virginia governor, Robert McDonnell.

在一项罕见的一致裁决中,美国最高法院推翻了前弗吉尼亚州州长罗伯特·麦克唐纳(Robert McDonnell)的腐败指控。


六级There is considerable sentiment about the “corruption” of women’s language—which of course is viewed as part of the loss of feminine ideals and morality—and this sentiment is crystallized by nationwide opinion polls that are regularly carried out by the media.


