
词根词缀记忆/谐音联想记忆 补充/纠错
*** 登录后可看 *** → deviation n.背离,偏离;偏差数
de… *** 登录后可看 *** → deviation n.背离,偏离;偏差数
de… *** 登录后可看 *** → deviation n.背离,偏离;偏差数
词性拓展记忆 / 词形拓展记忆
deviate / deviation / deviationist
deviate v.(from)背离,偏离
deviation n. 偏离;偏差;反常
deviationist n.(政党内)路线偏差分子adj.路线偏差分子的
词根记忆 / 词缀记忆
deviation n 偏向
vi,via, voy =way, 表示”道路”
via n 道路 prve 经过
viaduct n 高架桥(via+duct引导=引导路的桥)
deviate v 越轨(de偏离+via+ate=偏离道路=越轨) …………
standard deviation 标准偏差
without any deviation 没有任何偏差
Lisa forgave her husband's deviation.
Having juice instead of coffee was a deviation from her usual routine.
Because of her husband's deviation,Mary divorced him
The standard deviation is a measure of the amount of variation or dispersion of a set of values.
There was a deviation from the normal procedure in handling the complaint.
The experimental results showed a slight deviation from the predicted outcomes.
The navigation system detected a deviation in our course and automatically corrected it.
His behavior exhibited a significant deviation from societal norms.
The statistical analysis revealed a standard deviation of 5 points in the test scores.
Any deviation from the safety protocol must be reported immediately.
The study found a deviation in the pattern of consumer spending during the holiday season.
The project's timeline experienced a major deviation due to unforeseen circumstances.
Monitoring production for deviations can help identify areas for process improvement.
Cui has gone all out to scrutinize Baidu's growth from the organizational perspective and ensure it's on the right track with the least possible deviation.
Meanwhile, businesses will be asked to adopt new technology to forestall risks — facial recognition to examine the identity of drivers and big data to detect hazards, such as deviation from the right path and unreasonable, long stops.
It is interesting to note that even prior to the expansion, the new BRICS participants had already exhibited varying degrees of deviation from the decision-making structures previously led by the United States in both energy and foreign policies.
To make a more straightforward analysis of megalopolis development, this article dissects the deviation values for comprehensive evaluation of 10 megalopolises in China, and analyzes the data with a box and beeswarm plot to display differences of deviation values for comprehensive evaluation of the megalopolises.
The move is a severe deviation from market-oriented principles, and it has damaged the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese enterprises and consumers, including those in the United States, and disrupted the normal order of the international economy and trade, the ministry said.
"An extra 840 nautical miles would be added for the deviation, which means vessels from China to Europe would need an extra three to five days for delivery of goods," said Lin Guolong, director of the Logistics Research Center at Shanghai Maritime University.
A small deviation can have a big influence on its trajectory and speed," said Wu Jili, a quality inspector at the company.
Its lane keep assist and lane deviation warning functions won top scores in the program, said the center.
"General Motors is aware of the reports of material deviation in Kobe Steel copper and aluminum products," company spokesman Nick Richards told Reuters.
The group said those infrared thermometer lenses can detect people's temperature quickly and precisely, ranging from minus 20 Celsius degrees to 120 Celsius degrees with deviation controlled between minus 0.3 Celsius degrees to 0.3 Celsius degrees.
As an index investing tool, ETFs have been widely adopted by investors all over the world to allocate assets and manage risks thanks to high efficiency, low costs and little deviation from indexes," Ye said.
Deng Hu, chief analyst with Shenwan Hongyuan Securities Research Institute, said foreign asset management firms are adept at closely following benchmarks, and only report slight deviation from benchmark index returns.
"As the capital for supplementing the deficit is limited, the expended deviation between the actual and the budgeted deficits will lead to heavy pressure on fiscal balance," said Li Rong, a researcher with the Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies at Renmin University of China.
"The main role of the factor will be redressing the abnormal changes in the foreign exchange rate of the yuan due to irrational market sentiment," said Chen Jianheng, an analyst at China International Capital Corp. As seen in the yuan's rate against the dollar since April, the deviation between the yuan's closing rate and its central parity rate has been widening, with the closing rate most of the time weaker, said Chen.
"The introduction of the 'countercyclical factor' will help reduce that deviation.
China's philosophy that "people's livelihoods are paramount" has corrected a long-standing deviation of the Western philosophy of human rights governance, which only prioritizes the political rights of citizens, while rights regarding people's livelihoods and development are ignored, he said.