
front doorbell 前门门铃
I heard the doorbell ring, but by the time I got to the door, nobody was there."
The postman usually presses the doorbell twice if he has a package for us."
Can you check if the doorbell is working? I haven't heard it ring all day."
When the doorbell rang, my dog started barking excitedly."
She answered the doorbell in her pajamas, not expecting any visitors."
The children were playing a game where they had to race to answer the doorbell."
I installed a smart doorbell that allows me to see who's at the door even when I'm not home."
The doorbell suddenly stopped working, and we discovered the battery needed replacing."
He heard the doorbell, but decided to ignore it as he was busy on an important call."
In the old days, people used a knocker instead of a doorbell to announce their arrival."
After a deliveryman rang his doorbell, Yang Lin opened a package and tried on his new sports shoes made by Warrior, a domestic brand, which he called a "new national product".
A pillow to monitor sleep quality, a toothbrush that can play mobile phone games and a doorbell capable of recognizing guests … Chinese technology giant Huawei Technologies Co debuted 15 Internet of Things products at an event in Shenzhen on Thursday.